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Should be an interesting show tomorrow.UPDATE~PG 3

Fire and Ice

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Went to set up at a show I've done for five years now and there are a few new faces to give me some interesting cdompitition.:

Golden Canyon

Mia Bella

Home Interior


I'm the only hand poured chandler there. Have never had these guys join me all at once at the same show. Golden Canyon already went to the show head and asked her to tell me to keep the lids on all of my jars. She informed them that that WAS NOT happening.I've always shown with one of each scent lids off. If she that upset, wait til she finds out I plan to melt some Amish Harvest tarts too!:D


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Ugh! That's frustrating!!

I did a small show last week and they set me up directly next to a Gold Canyon rep...

One guy walks up, asks if I'm with "them". I told him no and he asked what the difference was then. I said "mine are handpoured and those are mass produced by a machine" LOL He promptly bought from ME! :D

You'll do great!! Can't wait to hear the results!

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LOL!!!! I think this will be fun! I'm well known at this show and all but one woman know who I am. Maybe they all thought I wouldn't be back this year. Yes, I think the Amish Harvest will do just fine for my customers and the surrounding vendors alike. I won't need a fan either. I have several of my candles burnt down to various stages in a 16oz mason jar. They can see and smell for themselves. And of course, I'll list the CASE price too. This a show where I do sell several cases of candles to customers.( Gotta love regular customers!)

But I also think the wonderful array of clamshells I have will also entice the customers to buy. My prices are also a whole heck of alot better too.

But God's in control so I can relax


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Good luck...

Hey, bring along a blow torch and blast the tops for about a minute to show everyone how your smells with a full melt pool. LOL That will show em.

LOL! I think they'll know when they open and smell the used candles. Dang, I wish I had more Home for the Holidays candles. But my truck broke down and my Peaks money has to go to fixing it!:tongue2:

Frankly, I don't care if the reps come and smell my candles. What seems to upset them is that I don't go and smell theirs!:D This seems to really upset them more than you know!

It's a crisp 14 degrees out this morning so the shopers should be out in droves. This show, for the first time is coinsiding with a Christmas Fest that goes on in this little town too so the public should really be thick!


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