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Unscented candles becoming more popular...


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That amazes me.I have never been asked if I make unscented.People sniff all and the stronger the better.Only had one lady say she wanted a mild scent and chose Warm Vanilla Sugar. I haven't thought about making them for shows etc.but just might add unscented to my site.


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I am amazed at how many more unscented candles I am selling this year. Last weekend my sales were almost 50% unscented. Are others finding a similar trend in their areas?


I'm glad you brought this up...I've been contemplating adding a line of unscented candles....I personally after working with all of the FO's and with the allergies I have like to sometimes burn an unscented candle.....


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I'm glad you brought this up...I've been contemplating adding a line of unscented candles....I personally after working with all of the FO's and with the allergies I have like to sometimes burn an unscented candle.....


My first two years in business, I sold only unscented. I made fairly funky pillars in plexiglass moulds. I started selling scented candles in 1999. Immediately I saw the scented lines outsell unscented. Up to 90% scented.

I have always maintained an unscented line of pillars. In the last year or so I have had many more people looking for unscented...saying they or someone in their home can't be around scented candles. Last weekend unscented sold especially well for me as many buyers were looking for a candle for their Christmas table, and didn't want scent with the food.

That aside, I'm curious if others are getting more requests for unscented.

Or perhaps this is just unique to my area.


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I have unscented candles and can't sell them. People expect to pay less for them. I always get asked why would anyone want an unscented candle and I have to explain why I made them. Even when someone says they can't be around candles because of allergies they take off before I get the chance to let them know unscented might be something to consider.

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Although I have had some sales for unscented candles, most of our sales come from scented candles. Now, we have always had a huge amount of sales from uncolored candles. The soy wax, depending on the FO, has a nice pretty natural white glow anyways. We have been told "white goes with everything."

I am amazed at how many more unscented candles I am selling this year. Last weekend my sales were almost 50% unscented. Are others finding a similar trend in their areas?


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I have unscented candles and can't sell them. People expect to pay less for them. I always get asked why would anyone want an unscented candle and I have to explain why I made them. Even when someone says they can't be around candles because of allergies they take off before I get the chance to let them know unscented might be something to consider.

A few years ago I had the same reaction from most people about unscented candles. But in my area at least, this is changing. I still sell more scented but not nearly at the proportion that it used to be. I don't make any container candles...and don't see container candles at shows here either. I do charge $1 less for the same size in unscented but that is fine with me, less cost and less work.

Just thought this might be interesting to watch and see if any sort of trend is developing.


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I can see unscented fancy candles, but not just a plain unscented jar candle. There are plenty of unscented "scented" candles on the market for that! You see them at the dollar store every day. LOL



I haven't noticed peeps looking for unscented. I have noticed some are starting to look more for all-naturally-scented though.

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The account I have (sadly THE account--I want more LOL) requested unscented candles for people with medical conditions--ONCE. They could never get rid of them--they were giving candles out as gifts and everyone always chose scented. They never requested them again so I have never made them again.

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I've only gotten 2 requests for unscented candles in all my years. One local mall owner wanted unscented votives for her dinner parties, so I made a custom batch for her. I hate making paraffin votives, so I'm still not sure what I was thinking when I said yes to that request.

Then a lady at f.m. asked for my softest scented candles. She was VERY sensitive to fragrance and claimed that even those were too strong. She asked me to make her some unscented soy candles to use as "prayer candles." Hey, as long as you're buying the whole batch, I'm game! She did.

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