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** What's in your pot this week/end? **

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This week went fast, and I didn't get much done at all. Hope ya'll are a bunch more organized than I am.

Last weekend before Thanksgiving and my one holiday fair, time for last minute setup. Candle making to fill in one of the new shelves DH is making for me. And labels labels labels, and cleaning the house for Thanksgiving. So no great smells to work on.

What's up with you?

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I feel like a chicken with it's head cut off!!!! My daughter has been sick all week with the flu and 102 fever. I have a show on Sunday that I do not feel like doing. I do however have a big show on December 2 that I am excited about. I am expecting my grubby candle molds to arrive tomm and I want to get busy making those. I hope ya'll all have a great and profitable weekend.:D

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This week did go fast. Well since the baby shower is cancelled, son will be with his dad all weekend and bf is going up north all weekend. And since I don't feel like cleaning.

I guess I'll be doing this:

My mom belongs to a few clubs, and she asked me to make up candle baskets for them. I also have quite a few ordes for Air Fresheners so that's what I'll probably be doing all weekend.

Mindy :)

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I was hoping to do a show this weekend. I was oncall incase someone backed out. It is a huge show so I was prepared and nowhere to go....:sad2:

I am also doing a another show for an Art Gallery 4 day show and all I had to do is drop my items off, hopefully everything sells. Well anyway I have a show next weekend and am already packed and ready for that one. I guess me and the hubby will get some rest and play all weekend....:D

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This week I'm making 5 picture hurricanes. A good friend of mines mom passed this last week and she wants to have some made up with pics of her mom for the memorial, then after she's going to give them to her siblings. I also have to make up some lotion, votives and some bath bombs. That will pretty much take up my weekend. :)

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My daugher's cheerleading banquet is tomorrow and her coach asked me to make a few candle baskets for a raffle. I am really going all out for this one. Since my daughter's cheerleading squad are called the East End Steelers I am doing a black, gold and white basket with a steeler mug and black and gold layered candles and just solid black and gold and I am doing a holiday basket with candy cane layers, bayberry and cinnamon layers and christmas splendor all in colors of red, green., and white I also have a holiday mug for this one. Found all my baskets, fillers, bows, and baskets at my local dollar tree. Gotta love that store.

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Well, I gotta work my "real job" this weekend! Christmas is coming, I need the cash. As far as my melts, well I kinda sorta ran out of wax! Actually I have a whopping pound left! No worries, I ordered more. I'll have to do my melts next weekend! Plus I ordered wicks to start testing in my jars!


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