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Not an expert (that would be Donita at this point) but it's pretty simple. Hawaiiansum is right and here is a little more detail on the possibilities:

If you're within range of Candlewic in PA you can use the 5055 or 5560.

If your supplier carries IGI waxes look for 1014 or 1260.

If none of the above, look for what your supplier calls hurricane wax and make sure it's a straight paraffin with a melt point over 150.

Definitely nothing from the supermarket.

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OK I see the problem. KY isn't so good for paraffin wax. You should maybe research a backup supplier in your region for times like this.

You could do worse than PA though. There's Candlewic up there as well as Candles and Supplies. Look at this page. They have a 156 MP wax that they're selling for hurricanes and as well as the IGI 1260.

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Ok Ok Ok I am here....long day...opened a Corona and picked some tomatoes......just checked my email and Judge Judy's producer still wants me to come on their show....long story...very interesting....well, back to wax. I use 5055 from Candlewic. It isn't too hard. If it is a higher mp it is too brittle for me. 5055 is very clear too. I have been using it for years. I also add 1/2 oz micro 180 pp to keep it from being brittle. I use hot overdips and heatguns and seashells and that all tends to crack brittle wax. I know that you are just starting and the cost of shipping seems to be high, but it is just part of the cost of wax and it is still cheaper than buying it from a craft store. And.......you get what you want. Be patient....save your money and buy the right stuff. You won't waste your time and get disapointed with your results. Follow the instructions for embedded candles and search the archives....I have information posted there and so do many others. I just learned from all of these very cool people. I was going to give up, but with all of the great information I got I was able to pretty much perfect the process. Get your wax....then search the archives and pm me if you want. I will try to be of help to you. I just live in the next state over.......we are practically neighbors....LOL.....check out my website and see if I do anything you might like to try. http://donitahoyer.com/

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