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Melt Pool - Wick size HELP

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I'm testing 6oz tin that measures 2.75 across....using JackFrost (BCN) FO and Eco8 wick. I poured the candle two days ago and the cold throw is awesome! Please see my photo below which shows what the flame and melt pool look like after burning for two hours. I'm going to burn at 3 hour intervals. When I initially trimmed my wick, it was more than 1/4" but just less than 1/2" long. I'm concerned with the tiny flame, deep melt pool...and I have very little hot throw. Can anyone tell me, based on the photo (flame size) if I should wick up?



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After 3 hours, shouldn't the melt pool have reached the diameter of the container? (This being a 2.75" diameter tin). There's not much progress, the flame is even weaker and I still don't have much of a hot throw. I understand the the flame gets larger and more lively as the candle burns down but...for starters, I wouldn't even call this a candle :embarasse . Can anyone help?

I'm going to blow this thing out, let it set up again before lighting it again. But I'd like to know if I should wick up.


Photo of candle after 3 hours burn time:


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What type of wax are you using??? You are right! Your mp should have reached the entire circumference of your jar by now. The wax looks like it swallowing your wick. It seems to be tunneling.

I would try wicking up and see if that helps. I am not familier with the eco's and I do not know what size the eco 8 is. I would wick up to at least one that covers 2.75 to 3 and if that is what you are using then go up to 3-3.5 and see if that works.. I would also try a different wick and see if that helps.

Some wicks do not work well with some wax's. hth.

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That wick is fried. A larger size will probably do better, but that may or may not be the best answer.

The capillary action of that wick got impaired because it either clogged or was damaged.

Clogging means it's not effectively burning everything in the mixture and stuff is accumulating in the wick. It may have burned too fast at the beginning when the wick was long, or you may need a bigger size, or less of this particular FO.

Wicks can also be damaged when their materials and chemical treatment aren't compatible with the wax and/or FO you're burning. In that case it's probably better to try a different wick line.

Welcome to the subtleties (madenning frustrations) of wicking.

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Okay, my head is spinning. I absolutely do NOT know which wick line to try next. CD's?...what size to start with? HTP's? (I don't have any)...but what size to start with?

The candle has been burning with Eco10 for 1 hour and 45 minutes. The flame is somewhat stronger than the Eco8. The melt pool measures 1/2" even though it hasn't reached the diameter of the container. I'm getting little hot throw if ANY. Even my son says he smelled the cold throw just fine but can't smell anything coming from this candle now that it's burning. Why would it not be giving a hot throw?

Can you take a look at this photo and tell me what you think? This is Eco10 after 1 hour 45 minutes:

Thanks again!


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And here we are at the 3 hour mark with Eco10 drowning itself out. See photo below. Unbelievable! Shall I go to Eco12?? Top, you use Eco's in 6oz tins with great success so I know they should work. My FO load is 1.5oz pp EZsoy (4.7oz EZsoy and .4oz FO). I didn't get one bit of hot throw!

I don't ever remember a flame ruining my day but this one comes close!! :cry2:


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I would try a cd 14 or 16, if you are going to try the CD wicks.

I also would try a different FO, some scents just don't throw well in soy at all.

You could have a fabulous cold throw, but no hot throw.. Has happened to me many times. (Very disappointing when you really want that certain scent to throw for ya...:cry2: )

I had tested eco's in the EZ soy and they did not do well for me.

I found the hemps (just don't care for the mushrooming, but they get a full meltpool in soy) and Cd's to work the best.


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Thanks, Islandgirl !!:) I was just researching CD wicks in considering going that direction because I have a sample pack. I'll try them next. I pulled out the Eco10 and melted the top of the candle back down with heat gun. Waiting for it to get solid again.......

I thought I was going to have this all figured out by the end of today.


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Most soys need a longer cure time than 2 days....sometimes a week or more. That's why I switched to a 70/30 soy/para blend. I don't have the patience to wait!

I wick my 2.5 inch diameter jars with an eco 12 most times...they have chunks around the jars sides though.

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And here we are at the 3 hour mark with Eco10 drowning itself out. See photo below. Unbelievable! Shall I go to Eco12?? Top, you use Eco's in 6oz tins with great success so I know they should work. My FO load is 1.5oz pp EZsoy (4.7oz EZsoy and .4oz FO). I didn't get one bit of hot throw!

I don't ever remember a flame ruining my day but this one comes close!! :cry2:

Yeah, this stuff can ruin your day. Sorry you're having problems. Sometimes the wicks just work and sometimes you get into a hair puller.

My experience with ECOs has no bearing on you really, since I was using a different wax. They worked well for me in CB-135 but pretty much turned to toast in CB-Pure, like they're doing for you.

At this point you might want to try ECO with a different FO just to get a read on how much of a factor the fragrance might be. Otherwise it seems like they might be having a problem with your wax and you should try another wick.

Close to these ECO sizes would be HTP-105, CD 14 and LX 24. If you try LX I'd suggest getting it with the NST 2 treatment. CandleScience has those along with HTP.

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I've wicked up to a CD20 and after 30 minutes burn time, the wick is drowning out again. What to do?...what to do? I don't get it! Okay, so I went as high as an Eco10 (using Eco8 and 10) and as high as a CD20 (using CD14, 16, 18, 20) and all of them have drowned out. What does that mean and how can I fix this problem?


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I've wicked up to a CD20 and after 30 minutes burn time, the wick is drowning out again. What to do?...what to do? I don't get it! Okay, so I went as high as an Eco10 (using Eco8 and 10) and as high as a CD20 (using CD14, 16, 18, 20) and all of them have drowned out. What does that mean and how can I fix this problem?


Could you be using too much dye? Hmmm...

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A CD is a huge wick for that little tin...

It could be the just the soy wax itself ,

(I have had bad batches of soy wax),

or it could be a mixture of dye and FO used in the wax.

Start with making a unscented dye free candle..

See how it burns.

If the wicks are drowning it is the soy wax...

If they burn fine, then you know it is not the wax.

Then try it with just the FO.

Then with the dye..

At least this way you can find which item is giving you problems.

It is enough to drive anyone crazy... But don't let it make you nuts!!!:cool:

ETS... How much FO and dye are you using per lb???

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I've wicked up to a CD20 and after 30 minutes burn time, the wick is drowning out again. What to do?...what to do? I don't get it! Okay, so I went as high as an Eco10 (using Eco8 and 10) and as high as a CD20 (using CD14, 16, 18, 20) and all of them have drowned out. What does that mean and how can I fix this problem?


You might want to try an NST 2 wick. CandleScience has LX and RRD with that treatment.

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Thanks all. The candle is 9% FO and 91% EZsoy (=1.5oz FO pp wax). The dye is RediGlo chip (1/2 chip used). I agree that it might be the FO itself. I made 4 other scents (using same 9%/91% ratio)...same size tin, same wax and a CD18 works great in them.

I've got an Eco14 stuck in the problem child now. May as well go the distance with the Eco's so I'll know for sure they're not going to work in this FO. I like the Eco's...I think they throw really well and if I could use them, I would. But the CD's are working better in the tins for some reason....just not with the Jack Frost FO.

How much FO do most of you use? I thought most people used the 1.5oz pp wax. No? Can you share the ratio's you use?


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I personally use 6% FO, or 1 oz PP. Works fine with every scent I've used so far, and with ECO wicks. Of course, the wax I use in containers (C-3) is rated at 6% max, so I haven't even tried going higher. My scent throw is good, and with the costs of FO's, I probably won't go any higher even when/if I move on to another wax.

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I have never had much luck with the Eco's in 100% Soy, they would burn great first burn then die on the second I did try them in GL 70/30 and they work great. I usually only use 6% of FO per pound in soy and 70/30 and find a good FO will give me a great throw at that amount. HTH :)

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I have been watching this thread, and decided to take the heaviest oil I have, which is about as thick as cough syrup and made a few candles out it. Tri States Warm Pumpkin Crunch.

I chose an LX 16 (Candlescience)- for a 6 oz tin, 1.3 oz pp FO and 2 drops EVO color pp in my proprietary soy blend (no paraffin). So far, it is burning pretty steady with no issues. If I could find the damn camera charger, I'd take a pic. I'll try one with my phone... this isn't going to be all that IF it works at all, in the photography awards department. I'll post my results as they occur.

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UNREAL!! :undecided I made a whole new candle yesterday and dropped the FO (JackFrost) down to 6% thinking this would solve the problem. Today, I used a CD18 to see if it would burn and the flame was too weak. So I replaced the wick with a CD20 and it seemed fine at first BUT within the hour, the flame is weak and drowning out. I can't believe it! I have other tins with other scents that are burning fine...so I know it's not the wax.

I'd try an RRD or an HTP but I don't have any. I have the Premier...so I'll give that a try. I can't believe I'm about to spend MORE money on wick sample kits. :cry2:

My sister loves this scent...said it reminds her of Ande's Mints and she wants it for Christmas. I dont' want to think that I can't use this FO.

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