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Dead Sea Mud


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hmmm not really happy with the look of it, i thought that the mud would have disolved a bit more. Its more of a sand texture. However when I used it, it didnt seem to scratch or anything. I disolved the mud in warm oils before I added lye, maybe I should have gotten it a little warmer.


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My dead sea mud is the same way.......I added mine to the warm oils to really get it encorporated....It is hard to get it really mixed through so I would advise not to add it to the lye, but who am I to know!! LOL.

I like it alot!!!! It's a nice man's colored soap!

hehehe actually I just tried it right after I posted the previous post. lol

It worked like a charm, I first dissolved my lye into the water, then added the DSM and it dissolved so much better with no crazy reaction. Woohoo

I am going to soap later tonight and post a pic tomorrow of the 2nd batch. We'll see. I only used about 2tbl for 2lbs of oils. I am trying to get something similar to this color.


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I like the way it looks! Mine looks the same way, I envisioned a deep dark full bodied color soap. next time I do it I am going to make a thick slurry with my water first till it is all incorporated, maybe let it sit for a few days to dissolve. Then I will add the lye to that. I am going for that almost black too.

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Okay here is a pic of the DSM dissolved in the Lye water. The only thing that didn’t dissolve are a few pieces of floating plant like debris and a few pieces of white stone looking debris, could be some type of mineral.

What I also did was take one of those spice/herb masher with the stone bowl and masher, and grind the DSM into a finer powder.

I do a 33% water/lye solution and for a 2lb batch I only use about 9oz of water, so I was only able to fully dissolve 2tbl of DSM without it turning to paste. If this doesn’t give me the desired darkness, I may have to use full water so I can dissolve more DSM.


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I love DSM soap. Embrace the speckled look

yes I may just have too.

Well by dissolving the DSM in the lye it seemed to dissolve better, BUT the few specks that still showed up are zapping me. eeek no good. The few specks must have really soaked up the Lye and are now lye heavy. Like Homer Simpson says "DOO"

I do still like the idea of also using the spice grinder stone bowl and stick to grind the DSM up a little finer, so I will continue to do that, plus use more to try and achieve a darker color. But result back in disolving it in with the hot oils.

I noticed on soap I found on the web, they all advertise Black Dead Sea Mud and mine is more of a light tan color, so I am not sure if it’s even the same type of mud.

End experiment


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Carrie, I like your first soaps but can understand you wanting the look of the Jericho soap.

Maybe it would work to divide your water before adding the lye, and dissolve the mud in an ounce or two of it. Mix the lye as usual in the majority of water and incorporate that into your oils as you normally would. Then add in the mud water at trace?

Or add the mud water to oils first and then the lye water? I was also thinking as someone else suggested, that a little black oxide might help hide the specks.

Don't know...just throwing out suggestions here. :)

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