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Integrity In Business


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There was a thread awhile ago about integrity in business. I thought a lot about that one. The thing that struck me most, and this being a public forum is the way people attack other peoples businesses. I have worked with a lot of people on this board for different services etc.... I would never dis anyone elses business or work on a public forum. To me that shows a lack of integrity. I see this over and over again, and I also see people trying to make a buck off of other people. If you have an issue with someone, why post it publicly, first off, it makes you look envious. Second the flaming is such a turn off to me that I would not even go there or do business with those people. This is not meant to be a stir the pot thread. Remember we all have businesses and how we present ourselves here and on other boards, and there are many is a direct reflection of us and in turn our business. Just food for thought. Have a good night all.

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I think there is a difference between bashing and posting something that made you do a double take so you're looking for opinions. It's possible that what you saw as a potential negative is something that someone else sees in a different way and is actually quite valid.

A public forum is a good way to learn and share all sorts of different opinions on candle and soap related things. Unless you're talking about the manner in which it's presented ("That SOB ripped me off!" as opposed to "$10 shipping for one votive candle? Can this be right?") then I disagree that nothing negative about someone else's business should ever be posted.

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It is not about that at all. An instance and this is hypothetical, would be if A business makes handmade soap, and B business makes handmade soap as well, and some people think that A's soap sucks and B's soap is awesome, and A and B both belong to the same forum, why would anyone publically voice their opinion on that. It is a lesson learned, don't buy a product you don't like. I really am not talking about big suppliers here.

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Actually it is no different than saying B's soap are great why would you say that. It is a lessoned learned so buy more of that product. Why tell anyone about it. Because you want other to enjoy B's soap. The same with A's soap you didn't like it so you want others to know and not have the same bad experience as you had. That is one of the things message board are for to voice the good and bad about things. Whether it be life in general or products you buy and use.

If you are not willing to have the bad you can not have the good either.

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Cindy, I'm sorry to disagree with you, but sometimes I think certain people or businesses really do deserve to get called out. I totally agree with what Vicky said. Why only allow positive commentary regarding business dealings?

Positive comments here about businesses have the potential to generate more sales for them and to allow their company to grow as a result.

Failure to identify negative experiences with suppliers puts all of us at risk. That means members might lose money on supplies they never receive, have mysterious charges appear on their credit cards, receive defective or inferior merchandise, receive excessive shipping charges or bad customer service, etc. Those are warnings that have appeared here before, and I appreciate that people took the time to post them. They have absolutely nothing to gain by it.

I do not consider that a "lack of integrity." That lies with the businesses that try to take advantage of consumers or insult their intelligence. I consider people who lie and cheat to be the ones who have a lack of integrity.

I think perhaps you are confused with the meaning of the word "integrity" and the meaning for the word "tact." I hope it is really "tact" that you meant in your post.

I apologize for this post in advance Cindy. Based on what you wrote I know I should have PM'd you instead. I will admit, however, that at times I totally lack tact. The fact that I admit that shows I have integrity! :grin2:

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But things hidden are never good either. Say I go and buy some dog shampoo from so and so my dog hair turns green. I don't say anything on my doggy board. I just don't buy again but mail or phone the dog shampoo person and tell them. Then a 2 weeks later some one does report their dog's hair turned green from the same product. Now if I had spoke up and said something that second dog may be the color that it should be. You see where I am going here.

But at the same time I don't think you should bash anyone. Saying you don't like something of theirs is different then saying everything they have is trash and no good. Speaking up and sharing all experiences is a good thing whether that experience is good or bad. Just because it is bad should not stop you from speaking up. The bad needs to be out there just as much as the good so people can make informed decisions.

What if that Dog Shampoo person knew there was a problem and just ignored it and went on selling bad shampoo is it right to keep quite and not say anything. I would feel partly responsible for every dog that turned green. I know that is a silly example but a good one. What if I said nothing and the next thing they pulled was over charging CC or shipping because no one was there to say anything to stop them. Unless it is brought in to the open a lot of people won't change the stuff that is wrong and that is bad ethics but it is also part of the business world.

Boards like this one and others are really the new check system for the consumer. The government won't do it for us so we have to do it ourselves. These board are no different than the old gossip behind the fence post but at least the story might be closer to the truth here as it is written and not whispered in someone ear and the next ear so on and so forth till the story is no where near the truth.

Now I am not saying you should not try to resolve it first with what ever store it is either on line or real local store. Your soap example is not a case of resolving that is a case of personal opinions I have a right to voice those publicly that is just word of mouth that is what most of our business are based on.

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Did cousin Oliver from the Brady Bunch get in the doggy shampoo business now? (Kids of the Brady Bunch era will remember the episode when cousin Oliver sold shampoo to Greg that turned his hair orange.).

I think it's been said a million times before, but here goes one more--when people post pictures of their soaps or other items and ASK for opinions they are opening themselves up to possible praise, ridicule, theft, or indifference.

Now if someone posts a picture of their soap because they are proud of it and they want to share, but don't ask for feedback and then someone makes a negative comment about it, I think it's just mean spirited. I can see in a situation like that how you could think of that person as jealous. I guess the negative person's integrity could be questioned if they have a soap business, but otherwise I would simply view it as rudeness.

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Did cousin Oliver from the Brady Bunch get in the doggy shampoo business now? (Kids of the Brady Bunch era will remember the episode when cousin Oliver sold shampoo to Greg that turned his hair orange.).

Far be it from me to split hairs (ahem), but Bobby was the one who sold Greg tonic for his hair....Oliver was just along for the ride. :D

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