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Soap Thickness??


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Do you think 2 inches is too thick for a bar of soap? My first batch I made them about 1 inch thick but I think they look too thin. Also, what are some good things in the kitchen to use for coloring soap. I already know people use cocoa powder and I've heard paprika. Any other suggestions? I don't have any colorants yet :( I have to get some now I"m hooked.

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2" is too thick for me. Try 1.25 or 1.5. You would be suprised how much of a difference a quarter of an inch makes!

For coloration, I know people have used paprika and tumeric but I haven't tried them myself.

Isn't it fun to have a new addiction - er, I mean hobby...

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The size and thickness of soap is all a matter of preference. Guys normally like the larger bars, gals like the smaller ones that fit better in their hands.

As for colorant, years ago, I went to my cupboard and got out every spice I had, I made a small batch of soap and divided it up according to how many spices I had, then colored each batch with the spices. It was interesting to see the difference. One thing when using spices though, the spice does not dissolve so you get little speckles throughout the soap. Some like this effect some don't but it was fun playin'.

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I used to buy my coloring from my candle supplier and then they told me to use food coloring.Not alot of choices.Maybe red,yellow,blue, green.I have chosen not to color soap, lotions, and body spray.Just add FO.My experience using blue once(blueberry muffin) was bad.So went dye free.


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Even though I'm super tall, I do have small hands. (Go figure.) So 2" thick soap is hard for me to handle. Try a happy medium -- how about 1.25 or 1.5 inches as was suggested? :)

You can use food colors from your cupboard to color soap, but it's not an especially cheap way to do it in the long run. Also, some food colors fade over time, and others morph (blue turns purple in a highly alkaline environment, for example, so in CP it changes.)


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Yes thank you everyone. I added some liquid b&b green to my batch it was pretty then a couple of seconds later it was a putrid grey yuck!!!

That happens to me with the lavender color I have. When it is out of the mold the color comes back. Hope your green comes back.

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I try and make my bars anywhere from 3/4 to 1" thick (that size fits well in the boxes I was going to use, but I might switch to the bands once I try them). I think 2" is too big for some people's hands!

I have used paprika in many of my soaps and it works well. It makes a nice brown/red color. Haven't used tumeric yet because i had some yellow oxide!

Good luck!


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I use liquid food colors very often in my soap. Red & yellow work well and you can mix them to make orange. Green gives a reddish color in CP and like someone else said the blue will give you either pink or purple in CP, depending on how much you use.

These colors should not fade, unless your food color has Red 3 in it. Don't use any with Red 3! Red 40 doesn't fade, so use it freely. The ones I get from Dollar General don't fade. For a buck you can color a lot of soap!

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I have used tumeric and ginger and paprika to color my soap, and like someone previously said, it mostly speckles. I do have some colorant for soap, but the liquid you use greatly effects the color outcome. If you use just water, the color will probably come out ok, but move to anything else and who knows what you'll get. I made a batch using pomegranate juice and when I poured it into the mold, it was the color of chocolate syrup. When it cured, it was...light brown. I find that pretty much all my soaps are a shade of brown, but that's because of the liquids I use.

Unless, of course, you can turn miracles with soap color like Grumpy Girl!

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