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Christmas soaps! cut pictures added!


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I am working with the paper from the coop...here is what I have so far....I am using my Misty Creek Mold...So in a few hours I will cut them and post another picture!

I hope these come out great! Thanks for looking!


OK I made more...so a full Misty Creek mold of these cuties! and I cut them. Sorry about my photography skills!

Im gonna be up all night makin these soaps!

I am no expert on these...but... here is a little tip...I poured my first layer (white) let that cool...spritz with alchol then put my graphics on...and lightly spritz again...then I took my finger and dipped it in the clear MP that I had melted and cooled...and lightly smeared it over each graphic..kind of like sealing the graphic in before I poured all the clear in the mold...so that nothing moved.

Just wanted to share!Thanks Kris




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Looks good.

I see with pouring a whole slab and then adding the photos it's hard to get each photo centered on the soap.

The look pretty darned centered to ME-the only one that is a BIT (hardly) off, is the wreath and I like it off centered like that. ;)

I think you did an EXCELLENT job on those Kris, they are sure to sell. :)

So, is the bottom CP or is it all MP?


I cannot wait until my M&P from the co-op gets here so I can play with MY paper!! Hurry dang it!! :D

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Thanks Michi,

I would love to have EVERYTHING in my world PERFECT....lol but this is reality....I am so with you on the off centered thing!! And once I cut these...you really cant even tell.

Thanks for the nice comments Michi..Im having so much fun making these..Im gonna run my self out of paper and ink in now time!!

I am using MP and no color and no scent. I was afraid of discoloring...and I thought...most people who buy these probably wont actually use them ..and hopefully wont mind that they arent scented..hopefully they will buy them because they are cute!!



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Well they look PERFECT to ME! :)

Symetric is sooooo boring and overrated anyway!! LOL

I'm glad you're having fun with this technique, I'm just anxious to try it myself. :)

I hear ya on running out of supplies, I have a feeling I'm gonna wish I had bought more paper in the co-op-dang it!!

I DID buy some more ink (and of course lots of M&P in Barb's co-op) in anticipation though thank goodness. ;)

I'm thinking the same thing on people not wanting to actually use them, but just display them, cuz they're just tooo cute/pretty to use. :)

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