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Tart makers ?

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HI I am a newbie here, just wanted to say Hi and I just started making my own tarts as a hobby - to use for myself and I give some away to family and friends - I do not sell them. Anyway, just wondered if there are other tart makers here. I just love making them and trying different scents! Like to hear about your experiences with tarts too.

Have enjoyed reading this board - lots of information!:D

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Hi and Welcome!!

Tarts were the reason for the madness and the addiction that I now suffer from! LOL! I don't use a natural wax for mine, I stuck w/ the par. and add Vybar to up my fragrance capacity, I like 'em good and STRONG!:drool:

There are lots of folks here that make all kinds of yummy, adorable melts, and you will find a load of info., this board is quite addictive as well!

Have fun!!:yay:

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First let me welcome you to CT. It is nice to meet you. I like making Tarts, I use 25% JS 50/50 container wax with, 75% IGI-4625 Pillar blend wax. Creates a beautiful smooth surface and has a fabulous Hot Throw. My customers love them. :D :D Thought Id share.;)

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Hi, Thank you all for the welcome! I am so glad there are others here that are Tart addicts too - LOL ! I have been using a soy container wax which is good but it is hard to get out of the molds. I guess I pretty much have to stick with it ( ha) because of where I live and the cost of shipping. I can't find a wax supplier closer with less shipping costs than the one I use. My tarts come out fine and the scent throw is great - I just get tired of sticking them in the freezer.

Love to hear about the different ideas you all have - this board looks like a real educational place to learn !!

Thanks again !! I am so addicted to them - that is why I had to learn to make them or I would be bankrupt from buying them - hahaha!

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LOL, Glad to see there are so many of us ! My tarts are plain too, just white color, I don't add dye as I don't sell them and you are right Crafty they just melt anyway! To me it is the scent that counts !

How many different scents do you all have? I have about 15 now and growing - ha.:yay:

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I LOVE tarts too. I make them in anything I can..... jello molds, silicone molds, ice trays, mini-muffin pans. I even tried to buy a "daisy" shaped silicone mold tonight....but hubby wasn't having it. :sad2: It really doen't matter because they melt away!! I just like the variety I guess.... and I stink at coloring them.

Anyhow, WELCOME! Your addiction will grow....

I currently use TC's 50/50 container mixed with TC votive and get a great scent throw 98% of the time.

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Hi, Thank you all for the welcome! I am so glad there are others here that are Tart addicts too - LOL ! I have been using a soy container wax which is good but it is hard to get out of the molds. I guess I pretty much have to stick with it ( ha) because of where I live and the cost of shipping. I can't find a wax supplier closer with less shipping costs than the one I use. My tarts come out fine and the scent throw is great - I just get tired of sticking them in the freezer.

Love to hear about the different ideas you all have - this board looks like a real educational place to learn !!

Thanks again !! I am so addicted to them - that is why I had to learn to make them or I would be bankrupt from buying them - hahaha!

Get some soy votive/pillar wax to mix with the container wax, that will make them release from the mold. I would use 50% or more of the votive/pillar wax blended with the container wax.

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I am new at making tarts also. I was working on some projects this weekend and made a couple of tarts. This was my very first.

My question is.......since you don't burn these like you do candles.......can you increase the amount of fragrance in them. What I mean is can you put for fragrance in these pp then you normally would for a candle? I want my tarts to knock you off you feet with smell. If I can increase the fragrance amount.....who much more? What percentage pp?

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I am new at making tarts also. I was working on some projects this weekend and made a couple of tarts. This was my very first.

My question is.......since you don't burn these like you do candles.......can you increase the amount of fragrance in them. What I mean is can you put for fragrance in these pp then you normally would for a candle? I want my tarts to knock you off you feet with smell. If I can increase the fragrance amount.....who much more? What percentage pp?

I am a noob as well but sometimes I am able to use 10%fo load pp or more. However, I usually find that if it doesn't throw at 8-9% pp it isn't going to throw if I increase the fo load. A lot of times, if the oil is really heavy or if I use too much fo, the tarts will sweat with oil.

Just experiment to see what you like ....sometimes they get too strong and give me headaches!!

Have fun!!

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Candle Man

I just asked this question on a post about a better throw tart and how to add beeswax.I do use soy pillar wax now but never thought about 100% soy and soy pillar and do a 50/50 that way.As I mentioned in my post I do not like the slabs to work with.Another idea to try.Pillar and soy.

Thank You,


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