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Coffee FO suggestions needed...


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You've got a ton of choices to go with that:

Fresh brewed coffee

Cappuccino hazelnut

French vanilla coffee

Butterscotch Brulee

Frangelico Streussel


Cafe caramel

Check out NG and BCN sites. However there are other places with the coffee scents. (Peaks cappuccino hazelnut is good. Doesn't do Italians justice, but Americans like it lol. Ducking to hide from Sabrina.)

I wish I were home-a as I could looka!

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Shoot me now and don't steal this lol ...

I would mix some carmel with a dash of milk or vanilla, a sprinkle of dark chocolate and a dusting of cinnamon spice with a strong straight coffee and make up a name for it lol. To me this might be a good dark mocha delight or some such. I apparently have slept too much in this lifetime that my creativity streak is on vacation.

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I'm making a triple layer candle for the coffee-aholic in my life (my SIL).

I have two layers, Irish Coffee & Creme Brule Cafe. Any thoughts on a third knock-your-socks-off coffee scent?

JS Cafe Orange Vanilla, Caramel Cinnamon Latte and Cafe Vanilla Latte are fantastic coffee scents. I think the Caramel Cinnamon is my favorite.

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Why not make the 3rd layer just a plain brewed coffee scent to give more variety. Many people who drink coffee drink it plain. I haven't tried any other Fresh Brewed Coffee except BCN's, so can't compare, but don't really need to. It smells so realistic. My SIL had this scent in a tart burning at her store on her desk. A customer came in, commented on how good the coffee smelled. She apparently hadn't seen a burner like hers and she said, "The coffee smells wonderful, but what kind of coffee pot is that?". She must have been living a secluded life, but she knew her coffee well.

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