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I'm new to candle making (actually, I haven't made any yet), new at posting here....but have been reading these boards for several months now in anticipation of making my own soy candles. You all have posted great info and I think I've narrowed my soy wax preference down to EZ soy....

......SOooooooo, I go to BCN to purchase my "starter kit" ($58.99) :yay: ...and then, of course, I have to have some fragrances that I think are yummy :drool: so I buy the 5 sample pack (add another $12.50). And then, I MUST have coordinating colors....so I purchase more dye chips (add another $9.00). By now (and after shipping costs), I'm nearly $100.00 into this "let-me-see-if-I-even-LIKE-making-candles" thing :eek: ...and I don't even think I've scratched the surface in purchasing all the supplies I'll need (want! :D ). Just for "starters", I hope I don't botch up these candles!! I eagerly await my order to arrive so I can get started and may I say that it's a pleasure to join all of you here!


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Hi Tizimarezie,

Welcome to fun and OH! NOT SO CHEAP! world of soy candles:cheesy2: I have only been doing it myself for about 3 months and me and MR. VISA are on a wild candle ride together. I have to tell you its very addictive and for me its sort of like therapy:cool2:

However I do sell mine and am on the way to recovery. Lord that sounds like I am at an AA meeting. I have sold close to 300 of them so far. This can be a profitable hobby if you get your candle perfected just like you want it. All I got to say is thank God for this board and my really really helpful supplier.

This place has the very best advice to give. Oh and dont forget to test , test and then test it one more time:D

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Hi, I'm new and a bit nervous myself. As a SAHM of two little ones, it is a struggle on one salary, but well worth it. I love to make things and I love candles, so I'm really hoping this works out, mainly, so I can bring some money in.

I have already found so many great tips here. One thing I do really well is research things before jumping in, so I've been spending so much time in front of the computer. I spent too much time today and ended up with a stiff neck and feeling drained! I can't believe I'm back on right now!

I'm going to start with soy from a local candle company, get the right tools, some dye, 8oz. jars (starting small), only 1-2 FO, and I'm just focusing on getting one type of candle right before moving on to other colors and fragrances. I'm going test them myself and give some to my freinds to get their honest feedback.

I'm praying it goes well, because I'm trying to get out of debt not in deeper! LOL!

jhepp, did you really have to sell 300 candles, just to break even? :shocked2:

So nice to meet all of you.


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Break even, HA HA, your kidding right? You don't even want to know how much I have spent. I am a long ways from being even. I have 47 scents in my current inventory plus all the toys and goodies you need to do this business. Things like my presto kettle pot , my very best freind MR. Heat Gun and, hmm well you get the picture. I do this as a real part time business and have invested a bit more than the normal beginer. What most people dont realize is not only do your product supplies cost but I also sell in 3 different locations during the week all of which charge me rent. Then theres gas , tolls, and so on. So I figure my times got to be worth at LEAST .50 cents an


I will tell you this though after a rough two summer months I am making enough to break even at my markets but like any business its gonna take a little bit of time to recoup my original costs. If you are in a good area and have great flea markets like I do your gonna make money, you just have to work hard at it. I fully intend to make a great partime income at this but I also know from being in business for myself most of my life that it does take time.

The best thing you can do is read this board daily like I do. The folks here are great! They also are so helpful to beginners. Theres a lot of knowledge and very smart people hanging around here. I actually found my main suppliers by using this board , so I am a big fan of this place:yay:

Good Luck!

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I only started 2 weeks ago and I am charging away. Candle making sure is addictive, but I do enjoy it. I myself do plan on starting to sell them too. I bought a kit myself and if you follow the instructions you should be fine. My first batch of candles came out fine with exception of a little color issue. They are neon but I am burning it right now and they smell great.

Good luck!

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Oh belieeeeeeeeve me!....my mind is racing with all the neato things I still need to buy. I just don't know what they ALL are yet. :eek:

Is there a tidy list of all these goodies/supplies/necessities somewhere? I never would have thought about a "UV inhibitor" (let alone know what it is :rolleyes2 )

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Do you prefer to assemble your wicks or pretabbed wicks. I am just learning about wicks right now. I started with the wicks that were sent with my kit. ANd now I am going to try another kind to see the difference.

I use pre-tabbed and pre-primed wick assemblies. :)

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Oh belieeeeeeeeve me!....my mind is racing with all the neato things I still need to buy. I just don't know what they ALL are yet. :eek:

Is there a tidy list of all these goodies/supplies/necessities somewhere? I never would have thought about a "UV inhibitor" (let alone know what it is :rolleyes2 )

Ultraviolet light can mess up the colors in your candles. UV inhibitor slows that process down. Otherwise, candles can fade after a very short time, and they don't even have to be in direct sunlight.

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Originally Posted by mystical_angel1219

You got off cheap, believe me.

:laugh2: I was thinking the same thing.

Hi everyone, my 1st post here,

I am expecting my BCN EZ Soy kit to arrive this week.

I contemplated buying extra FO's but decided to hold off.

I did read somewhere, someone spent 8K before going Pro...

Happy and safe Candlemaking!


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Hi everyone, my 1st post here,

I am expecting my BCN EZ Soy kit to arrive this week.

I contemplated buying extra FO's but decided to hold off.

I did read somewhere, someone spent 8K before going Pro...

Happy and safe Candlemaking!


Sadly that sounds like a fair number...could be more and could be less...but that does not surprise me at all...:cool2:

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lol and spending LOTS of $$$$ :eek:

Welcome Newbies and have fun testing!!!

I enjoyed reading this thread also :D

Well, I just made my first test candle. The longest part was waiting for the wax to cool to 98 degrees.

Do I really have to wait 2 weeks to burn it? EZ Soy...

It smells really good!!

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Well, I just made my first test candle. The longest part was waiting for the wax to cool to 98 degrees.

Do I really have to wait 2 weeks to burn it? EZ Soy...

It smells really good!!

If you made more than one, then you could let some cure and burn one to start testing your wicks. If you don't let the candle cure, you won't have a true test of your scent throw.

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