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Metro Jars at Fairway!!


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They're in! I just a got a sample and it looks great!! :yay:

Fairway is calling them the Richland jars. I don't see them on the site yet, but Ron said they are in stock and ready to sell. It looks like right now they just have the 12oz size and the pricing I got from him was:

With the Lid

By the case $1.49

Mixed pallet $1.26

Full pallet $1.22

Without the lid

By the case $.86

Mixed pallet $.73

Full pallet $.69

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Georgia, he said they plan to at some point...but not sure when. They've been working on this size for awhile. He's working on some stuff for me right now so when I hear back from him, I'll be sure to ask if he has an idea...

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When I talked with Ron awhile back, he told me their jars are approved by the American Candle ???something or other (I forget the abbreviation). I also have a sample and they are very nice...not the thin imports. Lucky for me in AZ they have a distribution center in Las Vegas and will be moving that one to Southern California...either way yeah! for us Southwestern folks!

I also asked about the 8oz and they will not be around for awhile. I talked with him about the difficulty wicking the 12oz and hinted that the 8oz would be a great item to add. They actually do their own production and thus it's a time consuming process.

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Wow Michelle, briefly checked out your site...it's lovely! Just wondering if you do soy candles or paraffin?

I use a 70/30 soy/para blend and also use color which I suppose may be why I have trouble wicking...usually only after the halfway point and down...

got any tips for wicking these 12oz?

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Wow Michelle, briefly checked out your site...it's lovely! Just wondering if you do soy candles or paraffin?

I use a 70/30 soy/para blend and also use color which I suppose may be why I have trouble wicking...usually only after the halfway point and down...

got any tips for wicking these 12oz?

I use a soy wax. I use a Ultra Core wick. The only thing I don't like in these jars is the 'dancing wick'. As long as the don't produce soot though I'm satisfied with the burn.

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He doesn't have the vegas distribution anymore, he closed it awhile back, he only ships out of Ohio and I think Texas now. I am in vegas and I get some glassware from Ron but it always comes from Ohio! Makes me kind of angry that his website still says Vegas

When I talked with Ron awhile back, he told me their jars are approved by the American Candle ???something or other (I forget the abbreviation). I also have a sample and they are very nice...not the thin imports. Lucky for me in AZ they have a distribution center in Las Vegas and will be moving that one to Southern California...either way yeah! for us Southwestern folks!

I also asked about the 8oz and they will not be around for awhile. I talked with him about the difficulty wicking the 12oz and hinted that the 8oz would be a great item to add. They actually do their own production and thus it's a time consuming process.

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Judi, when I had jars shipped, they came from Texas, but when I asked about the Vegas thing, he said they would still charge me shipping as if it came from Vegas.

He did tell me last week that they'll be opening a warehouse in So Cal somewhere so that makes me happy! (Well, not as happy as if I could have convinced him to open it in No Cal!)

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I use a 70/30 soy/para blend and also use color which I suppose may be why I have trouble wicking...usually only after the halfway point and down...

got any tips for wicking these 12oz?

It's impossible to get a perfect burn. It's not the wax, it's not the wicks, it's the design of the jar itself. A dancing wick just wasn't acceptable to me, it drove me crazy. I gave up on them.

Damn extreme type A personality...

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