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Candy Corn CP~Warning-Scary soaps pics added


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Ok, i hate it when I pour and miss the mold~soap went everywhere. I hope someday I can get a good slab mold instead of this crappy one I have now.

I have black on the bottom, orange and yellow in the middle with black on top. The candy corn smells sooo good. I cant wait to cut it tomorrow night. It did behave pretty well, but I moved so fast thinking it was going to trace really fast, so it could have been better.

These new pics turned out pretty bad, getting pretty brown. I think these fall under a scary halloween type. Yuck!!





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Looks great!! Can't wait to see it cut!

I'll have to check my Candy Corn...might have to try this. Texas Brat, if it is B&B safe, won't it be o.k. for any type of soap, since it will be washed off?

O.K. hurry and post pics of it cut!! lol

It should be Steph. A lot of times b&b fo's that are not designated soap safe just means that it has been tried and will seize, rice or not hold it's scent OR that it has not been soaped/tested for that particular application.

Elitedesign, I can't wait to see it cut!

Candy corn has a lot of vanilla in it, so hopefully it wont discolor on you too bad and make you lose all of your pretty swirls!!

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That nasty "vanilla monster"! It's a shame we can't keep those fo w/vanilla, the color we intended. I have only done a Leather and Lace cp batch...and I knew it would turn brown, so I took out some to stay white. Brown soaps are still good!! As long as they smell good and lather....color is not an issue with me :drool:

Embrace your darkened soap! It still looks good, and bet it smells great too!!

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LaVida~ok, your first batch makes mine look a little better, ha ha:naughty: , But your second batch looks so great. What a geat save!

I really should have taken picture's of the 3 layer bar before it turned on me... it really looks like poop... I wasn't going to post it, but I figured, why not..*l*....

That was my first attempt at rebatching.....Thank God it worked out.... :D

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