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Thank-you! For all of the praise's, I am a beginner at candle making. I find it addictive now. I don't think i am making the palm candles right. I have been looking threw the thread and have found so many useful information about every thing candles. I love it.

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I am still learning with trial and error about wicking, I'm using braided wicks for candles 2'' to 3'' in diameter.

The wax i am using is crystalized feather palm wax, preblended pillar wax, and Translucent wax from http://shop.candlesandsupplies.com I get most of my stuff from them.

My grey candle that looks cracked is one i poured into a mold and let it sit for an hour and then put in a freezer for about 2-3 hrs and it gave it a cracked appearance.:)

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Great palms. Now, if we could just get those pix resized a little smaller so we don't have to scroll. ;)

I don't know if this will work, but it's worth trying at least once. Notice on all your palms how you have the obvious refill lines? What if, when you pour, w/o filling all the way to the top, but rather you swish the wax all the way up to the top to get a cohesive patterning. Then when you repour, probably at a cooler temp so you don't remelt the wax on the mold wall, you won't see the repour lines when the candle is finally unmolded.

If you try it, perhaps you'd be willing to send me a pm to let me know if it worked or not? I haven't been getting online much lately, so I might miss a comment in a post.

Seeing your candles makes me want to go make some of my own palms (& try the above suggestion). Alas, I have other fish to fry first. :(

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Those are lovely!! You chose great colors.

I have palm and molds that have been sitting around for months, waiting patiently for me to get the urge. I've only made soy container to date, but you've inspired me...I'm going for it this weekend. I hope mine turn out OK, but yours are GREAT!!

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