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WTF..Anyone get the email from crafty cube?


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My issue with the cube is (I got one) you don't know who or what you'll be in there with. The cube I got wasn't stellar - there were some pretty schlocky items in there, the bath milk powder leaked, one thing I got was sooooo strongly scented (and inproperly packaged) that EVERYTHING smelled like cheap rose FO, things were not labeled with ingredients.... Now these problems might make YOUR products look better vs the competition or they might make you seen in the same light.

But everything IS a risk...

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These boxes from various sample box entities have been going out for a long time. They are definitely not a scam.

This topic was covered on this forum recently. Tweek is new here. Too new to be pronouncing things she hasn't heard of to be scams. A little research goes a long way. Simply clicking on the website would have educated Tweek enough to have not started such a post. I'm sorry it happened because now those who participate in the boxes have to come to a lengthy defense.

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These boxes from various sample box entities have been going out for a long time. They are definitely not a scam.

This topic was covered on this forum recently. Tweek is new here. Too new to be pronouncing things she hasn't heard of to be scams. A little research goes a long way. Simply clicking on the website would have educated Tweek enough to have not started such a post. I'm sorry it happened because now those who participate in the boxes have to come to a lengthy defense.

I don't know what you read that Tweek didn't read that gave you assurance that this wasn't a scam. I understand her viewpoint. We all read posts about the infamous emails asking for free candles for the writer to review. How does anyone know that a large portion of donations aren't being used personally by the site owner, or for that matter, that packages are being delivered at all. It could be possible that in order to keep a ruse up, the owners send in an occasional order to give the appearance that the "marketing" is working.

Every week it seems someone makes a post about an lame email making the rounds. Why would she think this is any different? I really think people took this much too personally. Perhaps if this little cube is how you earn your bread and butter it would make you a bit sensitive. But honestly, I think a simple "I can vouch for them" comment would have sufficed. If someone here didn't have a personal involvement with them, everyone would have probably jumped on the bandwagon and criticized them too.

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Like I said, this was covered right here on this forum a couple to three weeks ago. Maybe a simple "I can vouch for them" would suffice. So, too would a simple "anybody know about this company" have been a sufficient way to start the thread. WTF, followed by accusations of scamming seems an unusual way to start a thread from someone so new to the business/forum.

It is impossible to make money without spending money on some form of advertising, be it a sample box, brochures/business cards, or craft show fees. Getting samples into the hands of buyers is legitimate and the concept has been around for many, many years.

Think carefully before jumping the gun and accusing someone of scamming. At least do some research. I think that's all anyone is asking.

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I totally agree with Sockmonkey. Tweek has every right to her opinion. We have a similar issue at DH's job. They insist we give to the United Way - but I would rather pluck out my own eyes first. (ANY non-profit company that pays their chairperson a million a year obviously doesn't need my money.) It really does seem that people jumped on the slam Tweek bus. One comment in particular - "nice knowing you Tweek" .. do people normally dump people who are considered friends or at least aquaintenances just because you don't agree with them? Not all my friends do what I want them to, or agree with me, but they are still my friends and I wouldn't just write them off. Regardless of wether I agree with you or not Tweek, I respect your opinion and your right to post it.

Just my 2 cents.

(PS - I already have ONE person constantly on my arse.. lets not make it more.)

Edited to say - I didn't notice this was posted a few weeks ago. Sheesh - it's not possible to go through EVERY post. There are bound to be repeats.

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I have a website with a couple things going for people and animals.Do not have the cancer one up yet but do for spay and neuter.I only donate a $1.00 but now I wonder if people think for such a small item it should be all of that.It is car air fresheners so not alot and I will mail for FREE.So really no money for me.I can see what Tweek is saying and also maybe people feel that way about me.Totally wrong.I do more than my share for spay and neuter and anyone who knows me can vouch for that.

It sounds like they are making some but if packing and labeling that is work.If it does get some business for us newbies and people have seen it that is great.I for one know all about breast cancer and other cancers as most of us have been touched by it in our lives.In the last year I lost a friend, my sister passed away a month ago with chronic leuk(wrong med given), 3 other friends diagnosed in the last 18 months and a niece had a masectomy this year.Mother was diagnosed when she was 21 and lived 60 years and I hope that for my niece and for my friend many more years also.

For the spaying and neutering I do it all.Not the surgeries but organizing and it is very Costly but I do it for the people and animals. I have been one month getting it together and I hate to tell you the hours that has gone into it.If someone sees my site and I am not giving 100% I hope they understand. Believe me I feel guilty not doing that but on the other hand I know I work hard and am good at what I do for FREE.

I don't think I read what was posted but just that Tweek was not doing it.

Some will and some won't.I don't know how these things are done but do know they have to be giving something.I see the packing and labeling and shipping is in consideration too.I cannot count the times I have thought about changing my website and donating 100% but I plainly put on there I do the organizing and have for 6 years.


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This basically comes down to a misunderstanding of what the actual email was about, and being unfamiliar with this marketing tool, and understanding that this was not a donation for Breast Cancer. I personally think it's been great (free) advertising for Crafty Cubes.

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Wow...Gotta get in on this because I am one of the people that runs a site like this...

First off...I do NOT reuse anyone's boxes. Every box that gets sent out is a new one. I use the boxes that the samples come in to store the samples in until i REPACKAGE them into other NEW boxes.

Secondly...I offer them for sale because A: It cost me 39.95 a month to run my website. B: I spend many many many hours on my site updating everything, taking pictures, answering many emails a day, advertising my site, plugging the site, adding banners and so on. And I literally do mean hours a day trying to build a reputable website to help you guys get your products out there.

Thirdly...I may profit some but believe me, its not a whole lot. If I were being paid for my time and effort I wouldn't make anything. I do pay for shipping out of the price and I have many participating Etailers this month and will most likely be using the large shipping boxes so right there will be 8.10 off what you think I make.

And I advertise their site for FREE on my website plus take pictures of their products and add them to their banner advertisement. When things are hectic with the site I can spend up to 8 hours updating this site. I put A LOT of time into building this site. What am I getting out of it? Pretty much nothing...so why do I do it? Because thats the kind of woman I am. I love to help people and by doing this I am helping YOU get your product out there to people that may have never even heard of you. I in exchange have lost a whole room in my house, don't have time to make as many candles as I used to and spend many late nights on this computer helping Etailers out.

So many of you think its a "rip off" but let me tell you, for what little profit I make doing all of this its still worth it to me. So making a few dollars on each box is NOTHING compared to the money I spend on advertising, running, maintaining and many long hours building this site. Its not something I just sat and did in 1 day and "boom" here I am just sitting collecting the money. This is a daily thing I maintain.

I'm sorry if I seem to be coming off strong about this but you don't understand what a BIG undertaking something like this is and how much time I put into it on a daily basis to run something like this all to help YOU out. So there is so much more repackaging than you all realize...

Yes, this was copied from a post I made long ago. I don't have time to type this up everytime someone thinks its a scam. I would love to donate to the Cancer cause. I have lost a few close to me from that but as it stands right now...I do not make enough to something like that but I would not rule it out in the future to participate in something like that.

Like i have said before...If anyone thinks its easy to run something like this or cheap, please by all means go for it. My family would thank you!

I just want you all to be clear one a few things...

I am NOT ripping anyone off, I make peanuts doing what I do and if anyone of you can do this cheaper than I...Please be my guest.

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It really does seem that people jumped on the slam Tweek bus. One comment in particular - "nice knowing you Tweek" .. do people normally dump people who are considered friends or at least aquaintenances just because you don't agree with them?

Ahhh, but you didn't get to see why a bunch jumped on THAT bus!

Why? Because - Tweek edited all of her posts. I don't know about you, but I don't really consider someone a friend or an aquaintence when they are telling you to shove it or calling you an asshole.

Disagreements - understandable

Shove it asshole - sorry, not understandable

(not in my book anyway)

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