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My very first candle what a disaster...I love it!!! (burn pic added)


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Not such a bad candle....as least it looks like a candle....and it looks ok burning. You do need to experiment with wicks....especially for a square candle...they do not burn as well as a round one....but that is just the nature of the beast. I had a customer complain that the square candle he bought didn't burn to all of the edges.....we had to explain that a melt pool is ROUND........Bruce......I think if I had entered the same contest I would have won......but the funny thing is.....the ugly candles still sell.....only God knows why (smile).......Donita

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  • 1 month later...

I can't begin to tell you how many times in my rush to see my finished product I yanked a candle out of the mold by the wick and ended up with just a waxy string in my hands...even after 4 years I'm still excited but I trained myself to pour at night..I pour around 7pm..and then right before I go to bed top off the wax then when I get up the next morning...all my candles are ready to pop out of the molds. I'm sure there's a moe "professional" way of doing this but ya gotta dance with the guy that brung ya and that's what works the best for me....lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too am making my first pillars. I made a square with a wick pin (loved that tool), and threaded my round pillar and used a screw. Easy, but I just liked using the wick pin better. I learned about those the hard way after making votives by dropping my wick into them after coagulation. Now I am making a ball mold and I have no patience for it so far. It has been cooling for 3 hrs and still no hardness. Not even enough to poke holes. UGGG. So I have to say for your first one, you did an awesome job. My square is getting remelted and done over because the repours did not seal. I actually am able to pull apart my layers. I didn't have a wax spill, but I just didn't have the patience to wait it out for a complete cool before pouring. I remembered my relief holes, but mine didn't seal when I repoured. So no safe burning for me. I really like yours. It would look great in my kitchen on my dining table. Love it. If you didn't say it, you wouldn't know it is your first.:D

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A very cute story! I give you a tremendous amount of credit for trying, finishing the candle and posting the picture. It doesn't look that bad...I know the color is off but just think how much fun you're going to have and how much easier it will seem making the next!

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