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So frustrated!!!

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I'm about to give up on wicked candles all together! I'm so tired of the wick being wrong, the jar being wrong, the wick not being straight! Grrrr! :mad: I'm so tired of remelting and repouring over and over again because no matter how many times I try something will still not be right! I'm a perfectist too and that doesn't help. I just get more and more frustrated! :(

If this keeps up I'm going 100% wickless! It is so much easier! Hardly any headache with wickless!

Thanks for letting a newbie rant! :undecided

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Sorry to hear your frustrated! Just curious though, how does the candle work if theres no wick? Is it like the warmer ones you see where just the wax melts and gives off fragrance? Sorry if it sounds like a dumb question:undecided !

Yes, exactly! :)

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Sorry to hear your frustrated! Just curious though, how does the candle work if theres no wick? Is it like the warmer ones you see where just the wax melts and gives off fragrance? Sorry if it sounds like a dumb question:undecided !

Thank you for the encouragement! I needed it bigtime! I'm testing some today in 3 differnt jars, and so far they are doing good. But I'm willing to bet if they do good now and go ahead and pour several of them up, something will still go wrong later and I'll have to start all over again! LOL That's the kind of luck I've been having! ;)

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what wax are you using, what wicks, how much fo, dye, jars.

it is better to try sticking with 1 jar and wicking it right until you get a feel for how your wax preforms. i done the all different sizes of jars when i started and it's just to over whelming so just try 1 jar size to start.

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What method are you using to test your wicks?

Are you attaching the wick tabs to the jar?

The best way to start testing new wicks is pour a wickless jar, then when the wax has completly set up, poke a hole in the center with an ice pick, wooden skewer etc. Then cut a wick and insert the cut end into hole. This way you can test this wick for at least 1/2 of the container. If its not right on the first burn, pull the wick, heat gun the top then try another wick. If the wick works fine to halfway down the jar, pour a new candle with the wick attached to the bottom of the jar and test again to the bottom.

You will also learn, over a period of time, when testing, just because there is a little hang-up on the first few burns doesn't mean you need to change the wick just yet, it may catch up later.

HTH - Candle Man

BTW - Keep detailed notes for each and everything you do or add to a candle. Wax, additives, scent both name and supplier, color, wick type and size, even room temp etc.

Here is a candle test sheet, you may need to modify it to your needs but gives you a start of what to look for when testing http://www.candlecauldron.com/cdltestsheet.doc

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Thanks everyone!

I'm using J223 and CB Advance 50/50 blend. I like the blend the best so far. I've also tried to do just J223 by it's self and also soy by it's self. I have only 2 jar sizes I've been working with - 8 oz & 16 oz. I use 1 oz FO to 1 lb. wax. I got some new wicks in today and they seem better so far. The wicks I've been using have been varying greatly. The flame would be too high on one candle, then it would be too small and nearly drown on the next. Same wick, same jar, same wax, but such a huge difference! The only thing I could figure is it's the differences in the FOs. I dunno.

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Thanks everyone!

Same wick, same jar, same wax, but such a huge difference! The only thing I could figure is it's the differences in the FOs. I dunno.

Each fragrance oil is different. Some are lighter (like florals) and some are real heavy (like vanilla and cinnamon based scents). Even tho your jar and wax combo doesn't change your wick size will for the scent you are pouring.

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