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** What's in your pot for the week/end? **

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Yay, it's Friday! Of course it's been nice and cool all week, and supposed to be back to 95F tomorrow. So I'll be cooking on pavement for market.

Sunday it's going to be lip balms. And more lip balms. And more lip balms. I've got 4 left - they wiped me out at the fair last weekend. Guess I need to increase batch size - now I do 44 at a time. Plum apricot, lemongrass/coconut, cuke melon, and marionberry.

And more bubble bath - also am developing a foot fizzy w/ peppermint/tea tree - first batch was horrible, way too oily. Felt good though!

What scents are up with you this weekend? Good luck at any fairs or markets...

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Whoops! I was posting a similar thread the same time as you! Too funny ... :laugh2: OK, Robin, I'm cutting and pasting my answer from the other thread. You can delete my old thread now!

I have lots of goodies to make this weekend. Need to pour CLV and Creme Brulee candles. Might as well get a head start on my fall scents too, eh? Better get going on Pumpkin Spice because the minute the weather turns cool, everyone and his dog wants that one. Including ME. :laugh2:

In soaps, I need to restock Honey Almond soap, plus I'm getting low on Pink Sugar, Enchanted Oak, and Orange-Patchouli eo soaps. Also want to make a batch of DSM soap w/ tea tree, rosemary & lavender eo's for my teenagers, plus make a test batch of Hawaiian Lei Flowers. I really do need to make more FLORAL soaps! I don't offer many. Well, I offer enough for MY taste, just not for the general public's. :laugh2:

Want to make my fall soaps too ... if I don't make my traditional Pumpkin Spice soap bars, I'll be tarred and feathered by the faithful locals who buy it at our historical festival in October every year. I also do an Apple Spice soap for fall, so I need to get on my rear in gear on those two! I think every soap mold I own will be full this weekend. Well, hopefully anyway. We've got a lot on our social calendar as well!

Need to make whipped shea butters in a bad way. Customers at market will buy it, but I just don't bring it when the weather's too hot to melt it. Too much hassle. So I haven't brought it in a while because our summer's been unusually hot. Oh, and I want to make a batch of the raspberry-peach lip balm with a new TDF flavor oil I got! It ROCKS!!

OK, there's my "to do" list, and I know it's HUGE ...

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Wow AJ, sounds like you are going to be busy busy!! :)

Tomorrow I wont be making anything. We are finally going to go pick up my brothers car that we have had at my cousins house. It's been sitting there for 3.5 years now since my brother passed away. It's his b-day tomorrow so I doubt I'm going to be in the mood to pour anything. I'll most likely be with my parents all day anyway. They always have a rough time on that day.

Sunday however, I will be making up a bunch of gift baskets with various items in them and I also need to work on some lotions. I've only got 3 bottles left and I got a call this morning for 2 of them. :)

That's about it for me this weekend. :)


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Sat we are going to take the kids to the fair and see PNH play..stay after and chat with my cousin..he has been on the road so I have not seen him in a while..so I will get pretty much nothing done that day.

Sunday planning on making some milk bath batches and some body sprays up..start stocking up to maybe do this flea market thing..if not I will try and sell them at my yard sale

Is labor day weekend a good day for a yard sale? :confused:

...Oh...and some sugar scrubs..I am out and I am having withdrawl.:D

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Pouring creme brulee, buttercream and cinnamon buns to fill an order for gift crates. Also hosting a luncheon for the women in my family on Sunday. Fun! Good luck to anyone doing a fair this weekend!

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Trying to figure better packaging for things..lol...I really need to settle on one thing and quit changing my mind.

Making Pillars, Holiday type things....

Votives, lots of them....I cant even list everything I need to pour...

Floaters also, My little snowflakes are soo cute...atleast I think so...

Making some snowmen also....not too many...

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I'm doing a steam show this weekend and the sales are okay. Will be ordering from Peaks again after I get home and take the inventory of my stock to see what all has to be repoured. I know I'm out of Amish Harvest and Apple Pie. Sold 7 Amish Harvest today at the show!:D Need to buy jars and put it into high gear for the fall festivals coming up in early October!

I returned to work full time earlier this week so that's great after being laid off for nearly a year!!~:tongue2:


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Bat wings and frog legs with spiders will be in the pot. Poured 8 eco adv candles in frosted glass to see how it holds up to frosting, clear is easier, frosted is harder, never seems to adhere, well in soy... Soy far, 8 hours, pretty perfect... Vanilla and Mac are weak, lets see if it cures, the other 6 seem ok, but they are at a high %, so I would assume you need 30% more FO with this garbage.

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