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My little workshop corner...Let me see yours...

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I work in the kitchen too, although I wish I had a workshop! I store nearly everything in the basement and I can't beleive how much space I need! One bookshelf for curing soap, A huge cedar chest for shipping 'popcorns', herbs, containers, jars etc. then another bookshelf for FO's, soaps that are ready to sell, oils and so much more!

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Before the house fire, I had a room for my candles, now the new house is two story and the spare room is upstairs and I'm not carrying cases of wax up those stairs! So now I store most of my supplies under the stairs and use the kitchen to make my candles.

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I'm dreaming of a little workshop,

just like the one's I've seen on here.

With a great big work-top,

where I just won't stop,

making candles every day.

(sung to the tune of white christmas) ;)

Until then it's my kitchen too & things stored here there & everywhere....organised chaos it's called. I think that'd make a great name for my house!


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Actually, I won't have any time to straighten up for awhile, so you all will just have to deal w/the mess :P We're going to throw up some drywall down there eventually when we finish the rest of the basement.

:drool: OOOO shelves & hooks & storage space oooooo:drool:


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I would have to post pics of just about every room in my house. LOL Soaps curing and soy curing everywhere.:shocked2:

Not going to happen unless I get a maid. Oops, like I said not going to happen.

I do have a work room in the basement but that needs a major re-org before I would post them too.

Your workshop looks huge and well organized. Congrats.

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OK, so just in my dreams....

I'm in the kitchen too:rolleyes2

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: That was to funny.

People in my office probably think I am crazy because I am sitting at my computer laughing my head off.

In my dreams too. I am in my kitchen, dinning room, living room I have stuff all over my house.

We sold our living room furniture so that we could make more space and it still seems like I don't have enough.

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:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: That was to funny.

People in my office probably think I am crazy because I am sitting at my computer laughing my head off.

In my dreams too. I am in my kitchen, dinning room, living room I have stuff all over my house.

We sold our living room furniture so that we could make more space and it still seems like I don't have enough.

So what do you sit on, cases of wax? lol j/k

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We sit in our family room. We haven't sold that furniture yet. (please don't give my any ideas) Just kidding. My husband would have to draw the line there. The sale of the living room set was enough. We never used that room anyway. I mean in the 9 years we have been in this house we have maybe used it once before I started making soap. Now I am in there all the time.

I don't do much sitting anyway......when I am not at my day job....... I am ALWAYS in my kitchen making products.

Oh....I amost forgot to mention how I have destroyed my dinning room set. This WAS really nice and very expensive....now it is destroyed. I have covered the chairs and moved them out of my way but the table is a mess.

I don't care. We will buy another one some day.

We never used our dinning room either before I put my stuff in there. We always eat at the kitchen table. Even when our kids were there. They are grown now so we don't have to worry about room for them and now we don't have much company because my house is a complete disaster.

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I did not add this but this is my melting pot on back porch of shop. Once I get candles done take them to show room will post those next we are doing construction. That is where all the soap and stuff is....[ATTACH]7801[/ATTACH]

Is that a picture of a Turkey Fryer? I can't see too well, LOL, but it looks just like mine. I never thought of using that for a wax melter. Can you control the temp on those----we are moving and I just moved that to the new house tonight.


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