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Buyer Beware!


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I was looking for a very special FO that reminded me of my honeymoon because I use to wear it until Victoria's Secret discontinued it. Well I came across this website called The Fragrance Witch. I noticed she carried it. It was called Tranquil Breezes. It has a Canteloupe, Cucumber smell. So I bought some and in addition I bought sample of:

Lemon Buttercream

Strawberry Banana

Vanilla Whipped Cream

Needless to say I ordered them on the 7/16 they just arrived today in my mail box. In 95 degree weather so all of the bottles leaked all over eachother. Then one bottle was dirty on the inside. None of the sample bottles were the same. It was very unprofessional looking. The topper is the Tranquil Breezes scent doesn't smell anything like it at all. Oob the strawbery banana is weak. The lemon buttercream smells like all lemon and the Vanilla whipped cream does not smell like whipped cream. Beanpod makes a killer whipped cream candle and this scent smells nothing like it. I am going to try them but as far as service goes. I have been turned off big time. There is no refunds unless they screw up the order nothing more is what it states on the receipt.

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Oh, that is too bad. Hope you are able to get them to replace it. I've received FOs during hot weather before (though not from this supplier) and they came okay. I think if they are packaged properly they should be able to make it to your home intact.

Tranquil Breezes used to be my favorite scent too, until they discontinued it. I don't know why they did that, because a lot of other people I know liked it too. After it was gone, I tried several of VS's other scents but there wasn't any I liked as much. I thought the smell resembled watermelon though, not canteloupe/cucumber.

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It certainly sounds like they screwed up by not packaging your oils properly. I think every vendor I purchase my oils from seals them with tape and some even put them in individual plastic bags on top of that.

I would definitely call to complain. Unfortunately, it sounds like you don't even like the quality of their oils, and at best they would probably only ship more of the same oils to you.

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I've never heard of the Fragrance Witch, but if it's the Flying Witch Fragrances there have been posts about them not having good candle FO's.

Uh oh, if it IS Flying Witch, I think I heard that they are no more as of a few days ago. Their site is supposedly shut down too.

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Chris you are right it is Flying Fragrance Witch. They show up on the CC bill as fragrance witch. I apologize for that mistake. They did tape their bottles but it looked like they just threw them in dirty old bottes. One of the bottles had an old label underneath the top label with a different scent name on it. They used the post office. For a thirty dollar purchase the usps will not do anything.

Plus it took about two whole weeks to recieve my order. that is way past 7-10 working days. I don't mind trying the smaller suppliers but that was a joke.

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It is bad that this experience happened to you, but good that you posted about this for everyone to see. I hate hearing of bad experiences from suppliers when people spend their hard earned money to get something decent. I only ordered from The Flying Witch one time a couple of years ago. I only liked one scent and the rest were awful. I am glad to hear that they have shut their doors. If you cannot conduct good business, then conduct no business as far as I am concerned.

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Plus it took about two whole weeks to recieve my order. that is way past 7-10 working days. I don't mind trying the smaller suppliers but that was a joke.


FYI --- 10 "working days" IS 2 whole weeks --- think Mon-Fri

I'm not defending slow service, but if you were told 7-10 business/working days, they delivered "on time". 7/16 to 7/28?

Just so you don't worry too soon when waiting on other shipments. :)

BTW: "no refunds unless they screw up the order" --- any supplier who doesn't tape liquid lids of any kind, esp. in summer with high temps. IMO does "screw up the order". :mad: My pet peeve

Candlewic has a Tranquil Breezes --- no description, might be worth a phone call to ask about it. Here's their #: 800-368-3352

Royal Aromatics will make custom blends/dupes. If you can find some of the scent (EBay?), check with them to see what they can do.


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