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A few stocked shop pics

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Here's a few pics of the shop with some candles and soap stocked. My main soap stock pic didn't turn out very well, I'll try to get a better one and post it tomorrow. I apologize for any repeats of pictures I've already posted, I tried to get shots that showed just my candles, soap and lotions and stuff. We sold a ton of stuff yesterday and this morning, and I took these pics this afternoon, tried to get areas that looked like I had SOMETHING there :D I guess tomorrow morning I'll be restocking shelves. No complaints from me though, I'm happy as a pig in a mud waller!

This is pretty much front and center:


This screen thingy has one shelf of soap on it.. in the baskets. I have another section that has a lot more soap and lotion in it, but it's too dark to see a thing. :(


This one doesn't show much of my candles or other stuff, but it's taken from the back of the shop so you can see the big ol windows :) That's one of my favorite things about the shop, people can't help but come on in when they see through those windows!


This is an example of what is selling like hot cakes for us.. the old shabby cabinet! My cost: $1 from the local town auction. Sold today for $65. I hate to see my displays go sometimes, isn't that awful? But knowing I can replace them for a buck sure does make it easier hehehe! I did NOTHING to that cabinet except haul it a little over a block to my shop and set it in the show room. :)


So far so good.. we're having a blast! Thanks for looking!

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Wow! It looks great! I can see why you are happy...ummm, just how happy is a pig in a mud waller?

Good job and I wish you continued success!

A pig in a mud waller is a pretty happy piggy Georgia!! :)

Thanks everyone! The wonderful comments are mucho appreciated! Some days I think I could just live in that store.. I like it way better than my house now :D Of course, all of the decor that I ever wanted for my house is in there, and maybe JUST maybe before we get slammed with the holidays, I will do a wee bit of decorating at home.. my house has been severely neglected in the decorating department ever since I started making candles lol.. and even more so now that the shop has taken over our life! And hey.. I know a great little place where I can get some awesome stuff...

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I wish I lived closeby so I could drop in to shop. Your style is my style ... I'm LOVIN' IT!!!! Here's to much success.

P.S. My DH and I used to raise hogs, so I knew EXACTLY what you meant!! :grin2:

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