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Melted tealight cup

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I do remember using one of my plastic tea lights under a water difuser....it did melt.....I only use the metal cups when I use it. I had forgotten about that because I hardly ever use it. I like to burn inscense...Nag Champa is my fav. Donita

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  • 2 months later...
I still havent seen her yet, I guess she has been sick so she hasnt been at work (there is a group home next door to me, I work there sometimes also)

I am still planning on asking what she put it in...I keep looking at it and wondering...I have never seen that happen...not to that extent...

I have seen crooked wicks melt the sides a bit, but never like this...

You guys are right the wick is long..I measured and it is 5/8" long...

as soon as I see her I'll get it figured out...what a weird thing:undecided

Sorry if I drudge this particular subject back up again... but what did happen in the end????? What did the customer burn the tealight in???

I'm just curious, as I have had only one burn slightly on the side amongst the 1000's that I've made. Wick wasn't trimmed properly by customer ...I trim wicks before tealights leave here now since then...

I was just wondering what your client burned this thing in!!:D

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Sorry about that! I forgot about this post! I saw the holder she had the tealight in, it had a metal base that should have had a glass cup in it but didnt.

I think maybe she lit the tealight with not enough wax in it and it got too hot?

I still really have no explanation for it...I used the same wax I have always used and I have made 1000's of tealights and never had anything like that happen. The fragrance oil was one I had used many many times also...I know that sometimes the Fo's can cause fires if they dont blend well, but it wasnt any different...

no idea.

I wish I had a better explanation...i am still stumped

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I have a cast iron woodburner. I burn candles -in holders- in the off season all of the time. It almost looks like she had it on something similar and possibly lit the woodburner and forgot to take the tealight off. Some other heat source caused this I think.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK all! I finally have this one figured out. The cup she was putting the tealight in was rounded, so the tealight didnt sit flat on a surface. So I am thinking that the wick tab got too hot as it was getting to the bottom of the tealight and melted it.

I told her to not use my tealights in those holders since I only make the plastic cups.

It is a party lite holder that in my opinion was designed badly.

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