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GL 70/30 burn result

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I've not gotten a single wick that didn't produce soot in my straight sided tumbler, with Indonesian Teak. And, I've tried them all. The winner, in terms of the least amount, was the Low Smoke Zinc, but it did still soot.

It doesn't throw to my liking at 6%. We all have different opinions on what constitutes a GREAT throw, and, for me, at 6%, it wasn't cutting it.

I certainly understand that CC and was only pointing out that it wasn't just the oil - it's a combination of things and that combination isn't working for you. I just didn't want people thinking that it is Indonesian Teak by itself. I hope you understand and certainly wasn't trying to contradict your experience with it :)


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Goodness, no. Not at all. You are wonderful. I was pointing out that, unlike most, I prefer to use a bit more oil (generally) for purposes of scent throw, as I prefer a stronger throwing FO than most. I had also pointed out previously, I think, that this may be the reason that it was sooting (the higher level of FO's), although, even at that higher level, most other oils just don't soot for me in this wax, which is why I love this wax.

So, all things being equal, I do think that Indo Teak may have something in it that produces more soot than most other oils, however, possibly using less may fix this problem.

Also, Brenda, there was a thread about this (actually, it was specific to the Premier wicks), with regards to the Indo Teak, so this really isn't the first time I mentioned this about Indo Teak, and, while it may be due to the higher FO level, it certainly isn't the wicks, as every wick imaginable has now been tried, and they all sooted with this oil. And, again, while it may be the higher FO levels, I think it also is something inherent to the oil, as it doesn't happen (even at these levels) with the other oils. Having said that, it's one of my favorite oils, in terms of it's scent, and, anyone who has NOT tried it, absolutely HAS to. It's a magnificent oil, from a magnificent supplier (my favorite supplier, in fact).

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:) - we appreciate you too - most definitely. I don't remember seeing the thread but that doesn't mean a thing. As others have already spoken up about their success or problems with Indo Teak, I don't think I need to go down that road either. I still maintain that a candle is a system and if all parts work together efficiently then it will be good - it's just a matter of trying to find that efficiency :D

If anyone is experiencing problems with any of our products, including trying to find the right wick for our FO's and wax - please know that you are encouraged to contact us directly and we will be more than happy to be of assistance.

Now CC - go get those candles made, your store is opening 10-1 :) Let me know if we can help with something!


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I was pointing out that, unlike most, I prefer to use a bit more oil (generally) for purposes of scent throw, as I prefer a stronger throwing FO than most. .

Oh, I seriously doubt that you "prefer a stronger throwing FO than most" The majority of us are trying to maximize scent throw.

Most of us have learned that you are not going to achieve that by an overload of FO without producing "smoke stacks" :laugh2:

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I've been pretty well able to achieve this on most of my fragrance oils (Indo Teak being an exception). And, I would say that we all have different opinions of what a great scent throw is. That was all I was stating. Someone in this thread previously, stated that at 1oz per pound, the Indo Teak, in their opinion, produced a great throw. I disagreed, in that, at that level, in my opinion, it wasn't a "great throw." That is all I was stating. And, I also disagree that NOT EVERYONE is looking for the strong, blow me out the house, type of throw that I'm looking for.

I also have a private message from you indicating that you too tried the Indo Teak at 9% and it didn't throw well enough for your tastes. Did you not? And, someone earlier felt it threw great at 6%, so, my point (that everyone's opinion of a "great scent throw" is not the same) has been shown to be true.

By the way, Dallas Dean, I'm from Miami....Go Heat.:D

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CC, I'm with you, I want a knock you down hot throw in my candles. I experiment a lot and have gone up to 2oz per lb at times. Some waxes just wont hold that kind of fo load and need to be pulled back to 1.5 oz. Other wise you will get the smoking and some seeping. I know I read a lot and people say that if they can't get a good throw with 1 oz then they just wont use that oil. ( if I were running a business then I would probably agree 100% since profit is the bottom line.) When I load it up and try different wicks and waxes with other fo's then like you I have to conclude that it's the oil. But then again what we each consider a " great " hot throw is subjective. As soon as I get my new case of wax :wink2: I will also try the indonesian teak and let you know how it works for me at different ratios.

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Mr. Couture...whatever your point is, I am quite sure you think you are 100% correct....it doesn't take being around here very long to discover that.

for the record....very few FOs throw well enough for my nose/tastes at this point...any supplier's fragrances, at any % (within the scope of a candle that is not a certified smoke bomb). I am always striving to get a better throw, and I truly doubt that my search is too much different than most everyone elses.That is not saying that I disagree with anyone as to whether or not a throw is "good"...that is completely asinine....

...why you would "disagree" with anything subjective is beyond me.

If, in fact, I discussed my opinion of Indonesian Teak with you in a private message, which I would not doubt with the barrage of PMs/Inquisitions I received from you, I am quite sure I intended it to be just that....private. It doesn't take a genius to understand why. If I had wanted to make a public statement that might be misconstrued as negative about a specific supply/product and/or company, you can rest assured I would have taken the liberty to have done that myself....with no help from you.

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I'm not here to step on anyones toes, and I agree, each and every one of us has our own idea of the "strong throw". But I found that Indo Teak was the strongest throwing candle I have tested with the 70/30. I had 2 votives burning at our lake cabin (large open area) and for the first time in 6 years I had to move one votive to the back of the cabin cause it was just to strong. I'm using just 6% with all GL's oils, and it's plenty, but will go down on the Indo Teak next time.

I just find it very odd that what throws for one doesn't for another. But I have also found the same with wicks, what works for one doesn't for another. Guess that's why we continue to test, test, test. But I do love that Indo Teak, my favorite by far.

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Hi CC,

The Classic jar is about 2 and 3/4" in diameter and I only use 1 oz pp FO (6% fragrance load), No problem with Indonesian Teak with this wick and this jar.

Don't have any CD wicks but will get some and do a side by side burn test with the CDN and see if there is a difference in how they burn.

Debbie I have some CD12's with beeswax coating if you want to try them. I also have some with a coating that I'm not sure what it is. Let me know if you want a few.

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