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New To Candlemaking - Questions

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Hello everyone, I have been spending a lot of time looking through this message board, there is so much info here.

The only candles I have made was a starter kit from Michaels

I did order stuff based on some recommendations here, I will be making container candles.

What I ordered... (All of this stuff is starting to come today)

Jar - 9 oz Honey Pot Jar from the jarstore

Wax - Greenleaf 70/30 blend ( 2 10lb slabs)

FO - I purchased 10 1oz from Natures Garden

Wick - Eco 8's and Eco 10's (I think I should have ordered more different sizes)

Color - Peak Candles reddi-glo chips


4 lb pouring picture

Digital Scale


Glue Dots

EZ Wick Setter (Single Wick)

My Plan...

Make 1 candle per FO/color/wax with an ECO 8.

Make 1 candle per FO/color/was with an ECO 10.

I will then test each of the 2 candles. If I get good results with one then I will buy more of that FO to make some more test candles for more testing (marathon burning, giving to family etc..).

So here are my questions...

This might be getting a little ahead of myself but I have been doing a lot of reading on Test Burning and there are many different factors.

Do you test burn candles for every different batch of wax you order? Or once you have a good jar/wick/fo/color combo you stick with that?

If you have proven a good combo do you test it again months later just to make sure everything is still ok with it?

How many candles do you make at one time per fo/color/wax/jar combo? I know this could vary but was just curious.

So does it look like I am heading in the right direction to start?

I am looking foward to my journey in candlemaking, and look foward to getting and hopefully at somepoint giving helpful information.

Thank you in advanced to everyone that responds.

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Do you test burn candles for every different batch of wax you order? Or once you have a good jar/wick/fo/color combo you stick with that?

I first read up on the different waxes and then chose the one I thought was best for me and have never changed waxes, I have played with others but did not like them as much

If you have proven a good combo do you test it again months later just to make sure everything is still ok with it?

I just test 2 candles of the same scent, one is a marathon burn, the other I give to someone to test for me

How many candles do you make at one time per fo/color/wax/jar combo? I know this could vary but was just curious.

I make 2 tester candles of each FO and wick, and once I think the wick is right, I may make a few more to let others test too

So does it look like I am heading in the right direction to start?

to me it sounds like you are off to a good start and the best way to test is to read on hear what others opinions are on the waxes and choose a good supplier

These are just my opinions and I hope they help you some

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Hi! I have started playing with the Eco wicks and para-soy blend in the 8oz jelly jars...I would suggest getting the wick samplers...they will give you an even bigger range of wicks to test..

I poured one scent and wicked them with ECO-4, ECO-6 and an ECO-8...so far the ECO 4 is winning the test...the ECO-6 was too large and the ECO-8 was a flamethrower...I'm testing the Antahala Vanilla right now...great scent by the way...

I dont know how big that jar is that you ordered, but you may want to get some of the smaller wicking also...

I will be ordering some of the ECO-2 here in a bit...

And you may want more than 2 lbs of wax....I would get atleast 10lbs to start...

Hope that Helps! Happy Chandling!

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You also should know the glue dots don't hold the wick very good once you add the hot wax. Hot glue gun with the hi-melt glue sticks works for me, but I know others use the wick stick-ums.

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Hi everyone, thanks for your replys.

Here is the link to the jar I bought (9 oz) it has a diameter of 3 1/2 inches


I made a mistake on the wax - I bought 2 10lb slabs. After you mentioned that I would want more then 2 lbs I realized I made a mistake.

Cool about the wax, i figured you'd be bummed after you quickly went through 2lbs...lol...I know I would have been...it doesnt go very far...:D

Still may want to think about the ECO-6...but it looks like you'll have a good start!

And those Wick Stickum's are amazing...I just recently used them for the first time...wow...and I would also recommend getting a Wick Setter also...How cool these inventions are...

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Someone else mentioned gluedots, they do not work. Not for candles anyhow. Dangerous to use such a product.
Regular glue dots blow, but the company now makes glue gots specially for candles (believe it or not). I haven't tried them. Wonder if they're any good. http://www.buygluedots.com/glue_dots_for_candle_making.html
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You will love the 70/30 blend it's a pretty easy wax to wick and I agree with the other poster on getting some smaller sizes. The Eco's work really well with this wax. Also, if you haven't joined or visited Greenleaf Supplies Forum I highly recommend that. Alot of informative information there on wicking etc. Hope this helps and you are off to a good start it seems you have done your home work so to speak lol You are going to be a candle junkie now :laugh2:

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Thanks for the heads up on the glue dots, I did a lot of searching on here and I did not even think to look for what would be the best way to stick a wick (That actually sounds funny - stick a wick). I just ordered the wick stickums from bitter creek and I also bought some more color chips. I will have everything on Thursday except for the color chips which I ordered from Peak and won't be here until Monday (They take a long time to ship to me, They shipped them yesterday). Got my jars today, they are pretty nice.

Thanks again everyone

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Hope this helps and you are off to a good start it seems you have done your home work so to speak lol You are going to be a candle junkie now :laugh2:

I have spent hours looking through this stuff - I find it interesting already and Haven't really done anything yet.

My Wife will be making the candles though - She is good at stuff like this, although now I want to try it myself (but that could be dangerous). I am the researcher. I want to make sure this is done right. I have been explaining everything to her, and hope to help her get on her way to making great candles.

I am a software developer so if anyone needs any help with there computers, web-site info etc I will be glad to help.

Thanks again

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First of all I would like to say WELCOME to the board. I think you will like the Greenleafs 70/30 and you will be surprised at how quickly you'll use it. ( I remember when I received my first case of wax instead of my usual 10 lb at a time how I thought I would have wax to last forever:cheesy2: ) Those honey pot jars are cute too. Like someone else said, join Greenleafs board or e-mail the owner ( Brenda ) she's also a member here and seems to go out of her way to help people figure out the wicking or any problem at all they may have with her products. Sounds like you are off to a great start supply wise ( except for fragrances of course:rolleyes2 we can never have too many of those.:cheesy2: )

Edited: We were typing at the same time, How cool that you are helping your wife! But I warn you now that you will also become addicted to this in no time. And YEAH! We can always use some good info on that nutso computer stuff. We have a couple of computer people here too. ( I am NOT one of them ) Welcome to you also.

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I am in desperate need of a logo design :laugh2: Do you happen to do that?

Oh sorry off topic!!! And also want to say WELCOME aboard this is a great place everyone is soooooo helpful.

I don't do that but I have a friend who does. Anyway anyone can PM me if you have any questions.

I looked at the greenleaf message board (haven't joined yet) But I did find this...

"Start with the Eco 8. I've had good results with the #8 in 3 & 3 1/2" .. heavier FOs I used #10. I did wick one 3" with a #6 but it was a tapered container - had some hang up for the 1st 1/3rd of the jar but it caught up from there."

That is where I got those wick ideas from. I just ordered some stuff from bitter creek and forgot to order different wicks, I could kick myself because you can't add on to an order there.

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Edited: We were typing at the same time, How cool that you are helping your wife! But I warn you now that you will also become addicted to this in no time.

My wife needs a hobby (we have 2 kids 5 year old boy and a soon to be 2 year old girl). She used to do craft fairs (before we had kids) with other stuff she made.

So hopefully at some point she will be able to do craft fairs again with her candles (but there is already someone at our craft fairs selling candles, but they are from out of state), we actually buy them and they are great.

We will see how it works out, but I will try my best to help her succeed.

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