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First Run of the Clamshell Tarts


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I never actually knew what these were. I assumed that they were tarts shaped like a shell...duh. I feel like I just woke up from a long, deep sleep.

What the heck am I busin' my hiney for with the way I make tarts...this is so much more sensible.

Is it hard to do? I'll be sure to find a way to screw it up and make a mess, but I sure would like to try this.

They look spectacular.

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Those look wonderful. what are you using to make the labels?

We use a inkjet printer for these with a vinyl label that is water resistant once the ink dries. Applying these can be a little tricky since they cannot be repositioned and are subject to air bubbles if your not carefull.

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  • 2 months later...
o.k. here is a dumb questions but since there is no fire does the wax just stay there? Does it eventually evaporate/burn?:undecided

You put these in a tart burner, just like you would a regular tart. Since there is no wick, the wax will never be consumed. After awhile (I think I get 40 hours of scent out of my clams), the fragrance will burn off. :smiley2:

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