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Someone requested scent to cover marijuana


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I dont know from experience if this would work, but I would recommend a good, strong Odor Eliminator FO. I have the one from C&S, and it has a maraschino cherry scent to it. Ive also heard that Mcsoy's Odor Eliminator is good. Some of my customers said the Odor Eliminator candles work wonders. I have good luck with them killing strong kitchen odors (such as garlic), wet-dog smell, and cigarette smoke.

If ya want me to send you an ounce or two of the Odor Eliminator from C&S, PM me!

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My daughter's friends Mom bought some Sage&Citrus from me awhile back......her Dad smokes in the house....she said it worked so well, that the scent even got into the carpet!!

Sage is a natural "air cleaning" type scent.

I will only use the FO from TheCandleSource


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The strongest lysol spray they can find and LOTS of it and then try lighting one of the candles. The best as I can remember ( from way way back in the 60's when I was still just a very very young child:rolleyes2 ) that stuff was some more kind of pungent smelling and I've heard that today's stuff is even stronger.

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Thank you for the offer nayary8 but he wants something right away. It's an adult man. Chef/restuarant owner. Single. Wants it for his home. I'm not asking any questions. Just seeing if I can fill his request. here's what I carry already in my line that from what you all have already said may work.

Peak blackberry sage

Peak cool citrus basil

A scent shop cappucinno

A scent shop cranberry spice ( I have a customer who says it covers cig. smoke)

I currently have no patchouli or marijuana.

Which do you think would work best? Thanks!

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I also agree with scented. I have been doing some research regarding the marijuana scent and actually trying to cover the scent. In my research Patchouli is the number one choice of fragrance to cover marijuana odor.

Just to explain so all of you don't think I am a pothead...we live near the University of Michigan and every year they have a Hash Bash. We are hoping to have a peddler stand carrying the marijuana scented candle and the cover upper scents...like patchouli, the smoke and odor eliminators, lemon, and some type of sage.

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I bought some spray from Indigo Wild (famous for their Zum bars) a while back. They had a rosemary spray that was so powerful, that with just one squirt I was ready to run out of the room. It was too powerful. I would recommend it for people with sinus blockage, because that was all you could smell. I'm not kidding, hours later my nose still burned from that stuff, and it was all I could smell. To me, it wasn't a pleasant smell, but it was ALL I could smell. Maybe it would work for him.

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