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Candle Cocoon recommendations?

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Hmmm, let's see... I don't see vanilla voodoo on your list.. what's up with that? You may like sultry angel... um, definitely brandied pear & raspberry cordial.... geesh girl you're going to spend an arm and a leg on samples. I'm up for another swap LOL! I have tons more CC stuff that I listed the first time - pm me if you want ;)

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Serendipity (my absolute fav. FO right now), Bunchberry & Moss, Solace, Fairydust & Twinkle Toes. These I have put in wax and they are awesome. I have Vanilla Voodoo, Lemon Blossom, Red Banana, Brandied Pear, and Lime Cilantro that smell awesome in the bottle, but haven't done anything with them yet. The Malayan Mango is good in candles, but awesome in B&B. Seashells was not that great for me in soy, but did well in soap. Winter Woodland Whisper is very strong, very woodsy/minty, definately can use less of that one. I love Sultry Angel, but it wasn't that strong for me in soy, would love to try it in B&B. Some people didn't, but I really liked Fallen Leaf. I have also heard good things about the Raspberry Cordial. You can't go wrong with most anything she has, they are really great oils, definately worth the money.

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I purchased my second bottle of Grape Bordeaux in the last swap because it smelled so great..I wanted to make sure I didn't run out. I used it in soy votives and it isn't a real "grapey" smell but I love it and so does everyone who has smelled it.

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