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customer service is NOT dead

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I just had to share this, in light of the recent threads floating around CT about CS or the lack there of it in business today.

I just hosted my very first co-op, here through CT, and let me just say it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be..lol wheew, you were right tallbabydoll. anyway--it was an FO co-op for peaks. there were 90+ FO's ordered, I had to relay that order to peaks and then make the payment. not such a small endevour...I placed the order this morning and then had to leave for work. came home from work to a nice email from nichelle at peaks asking me to review the order to amke sure everything is right. I've been going back and forth with her for the last 2 hours sorting out and making sure the order was right, and then setting up payment--so that I could pay for everyone else's stuff from paypal and use my CC for my things, a bit more complicated on their part--and yes, I did appologize for the inconvience ;)

may or may not sound exceptional at this point--unless you notice that it is 12am EST (here) and 10pm there where they are! peaks closed at 5pm, yet here they were 5 hours after closing time working with me to insure they could ship out tomorrow! this is exceptional customer service..and I have to say that they have won me over as a customer--I have never ordered from them before, but I am sure I will be ordering again and again after this experience...can you tell I'm happy with their CS? lol

ok, off my soapbox now ;)

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I agree, Peaks is one of the best suppliers out there. They seem to always go above and beyond what is expected of just plain good ole CS. And I am always amazed at the speed they get the order packed and shipped off.

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I have to say that out of the many suppliers that I have dealt with that Peak comes in number 1 consistently for the best customer service!! Now if only they weren't so darn far away. Although shipping has always been reasonable. In fact the saving on fo % wise typically covers the shipping.

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I have to agree 100 %, I order a lot of things from Peaks that I could get closer however when I order from them I know exactly what I am getting. They do not inflate shipping at all and sometime shipping is cheaper than from east coast suppliers. Go figure!!!! Cudo's all the way around for Peak's customer service.

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