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Finally able to soap again. LAVENDER & MENTHOL EOs

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I was in the process of moving into a new place so I had to hold off on any new creations for almost 2 months. Let me tell ya, it wasn’t easy. I use candle and soap making as a way to tell my self "good job" and get self gratification. Doing without and not being able to be creative really makes one feel gloomy. :cry2:

But finally after getting all settled in, I was able to whip up this batch using lavender and menthol essential oils. Very soothing scent when mixed together. I colored with lavender fields and sea foam green ultramarines from MMS.

I got so excited towards the end that I forgot to add the mango butter and castor oil I had set aside to add at trace. So I ended up with 4% super fat, as well as a 30% water discount.

This one was made with Coconut, Olive, Sunflower, Palm, Ricebran and Sesame Seed. (It should have also contained the mango and castor)

Very conditioning yet hard bar


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