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soap always yellow


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Milk will turn your soap a different color. GM if it curdles will turn your soap a pukey orange color - or if you don't curdle, it will turn your soap a nice tan color. If you want a white soap, you can add titanium dioxide but be careful not to use too much because it can make your soap feel chalky. You can get TD at MMS. I don't use it so I don't know what percentage you use. Maybe someone that uses it will chime in. Soaps with lard in them can make a nice white soap at times too.

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All my soaps are made with goat's milk and it's never turned my soap yellow......they are always off white. Check the oils you are using also, if they have a color to them, that will make your soap color. If I use pomace olive oil, my soaps will have a tinge of green sometimes or hemp oil will turn it darker. If you combine a 'colored' oil with a 'colored' FO, your final soap will also have a color to it. Hope this is making sense LOL!! :cool2:

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My soap tends to be in the tan family. I can get purple from Alkanet infused oil and I have some herbs from Emporium Naturals that I NEED to play with.

I'm not bothered by it because I know my stuff is natural. I mean compared to companies like Dove or Ivory...I'm not knocking folks that can make beautiful colorful soap!!

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okay today got my titanium dioxide in but needed to make sure on the % per lb. I am going to test it on a 2 lb batch of goat milk and honey, should i add 2 tspn ? I think someone said to add 1 per lb, just wanted to check b4 adding it this evening, and will take some picks to post of my results, ooohhhh and when do I add it?

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There are 2 types of TD, which did you get, water dispersible or oil dispersible?? If its oil dispersible I can help, I put mine in the oils while they're cooling and stir it every once in awhile. If it doesn't incorporate well you'll sometimes get clumps and you'll see it in your end product.

I use 1 tsp pp. You need to be careful as too much will make your soap feel chalky.

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I've found over time that the color of your soap depends greatly on the oils you are using. Coconut, babbasu {sp?}, tallow, lard, and PKO give nice white soaps. Extra virgin olive oil will of course turn your soap green. The FOs or EOs also play a large role. You can do it, just experiment! Oh and just one more thing, just because an FO is clear, it will still yellow your soap sometimes. Just depends!

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Just be careful that you don't use too much! This was my first time using it and as others have said it will give a chalky appearance and somehow it doesn't look natural. This is a very old soaplovespell.jpg and I used Peak " Lovespell" the smell is still very strong and true.

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