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EEK! I think that bathroom needs cleaning! Somebody dropped suds all over the countertop! :laugh2:

Just messin' with you. On my monitor, the pics look awesome. But then again I really don't know diddly about photography, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. ;)

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I played around with the brightness/saturation etc... this is a big brighter but may have a touch too much pink in it now LOL! It's a gorgeous setup... the only thing I'm seeing is that your label blends in with the brown marble background and the clear bottle makes it all a little hard to see.


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Hi Michelle,

Looks good, but how about turning the flash off, and if you have a flash setting on your digital, play around with the +/- flash settings and your exposure settings, having a steady hand or a tripod for the camera helps also in getting a crisp clear shot. I would remove the flower since it is so Pink, as the eye is drawen to the flower before the product. If you really want the flower, try a cream coloured one as this will produce a balance to your layout. You can also try replacing the flower with a lit candle in brown or black. I mention the candle as I see you also do candles and this will advertise both sides of your product line. Also try "braketing" when taking your shots. Braketing is taking (3) shots of the same pic, but at different angles. This way you get a choice as to which is the better and clearer photo for extraction to your web. You can also use your Macro and focus on the center of your label when taking your pic. This will give you a clear shot of the product, but haze out all existing objects around it. Gives it a soft and subtle hue to the pic which goes hand and hand with your soap. :)

Hope I'm not being to critical, just trying to give you options for the best eye striking product pic.

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The picture in post 9 looks best on my computer.

Very classy looking shots, but I do see what you mean about the label almost blending into the background. I like the pink coming in from the side, nice contrast but doesn't take away from the shot.


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Thanks for the tips. I do have my flash off so i will mess around with some of the settings. I need all the advice I can get because photos are not my thing!:cool2:

Hi Michelle,

Looks good, but how about turning the flash off, and if you have a flash setting on your digital, play around with the +/- flash settings and your exposure settings, having a steady hand or a tripod for the camera helps also in getting a crisp clear shot. I would remove the flower since it is so Pink, as the eye is drawen to the flower before the product. If you really want the flower, try a cream coloured one as this will produce a balance to your layout. You can also try replacing the flower with a lit candle in brown or black. I mention the candle as I see you also do candles and this will advertise both sides of your product line. Also try "braketing" when taking your shots. Braketing is taking (3) shots of the same pic, but at different angles. This way you get a choice as to which is the better and clearer photo for extraction to your web. You can also use your Macro and focus on the center of your label when taking your pic. This will give you a clear shot of the product, but haze out all existing objects around it. Gives it a soft and subtle hue to the pic which goes hand and hand with your soap. :)

Hope I'm not being to critical, just trying to give you options for the best eye striking product pic.

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beautiful products and a lovely setting....but to be honest, I really don't think you need a big glob of the product running into the sink. If it's a foaming handwash, then I think people may get the idea that it foams simply from the name being "foaming handwash" (although I couldn't actually read the label on the bottle). To totally gross you out...I thought the product looked like a great big blob of spit :shocked2:

I'm probably wrong, as no-one else mentioned it...so I'll also say...you have nice taps (are they called faucets in the US?)


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JMO...but I like the suds in the picture because it shows how thick your foaming bath soap is...shows the fine quality of your product. I love your picture set up and style of your product labels. Very Classy!

I couldn't agree more! I think it looks very appealing the way it is. Very upscale and classy. Having the foaming soap there adds alot of character and definition to an otherwise "everyday" looking advertisement. Not saying that your product is "everyday" Michelle ..... just saying that you see ads all the time with just the bottle sitting there. ;) Awesome job!

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Get rid of the plant. It takes away from the main focal point of the photo. If you really like it, then use just a hint of it instead. Maybe just the edge of the leaf or go for another color other than red. The eye is drawn to the red plant instead of the bottle, which is what should be your main focus. I'd also walk in front of the bottle about 20 - 30 degrees to shoot and tighten up the shot to include less of the background. The layout feels wrong somehow. I think you should be in front of the faucet instead of to the side so much, maybe just catching an edge of the handle etc. Too much is distracting from the actual product. Also, keep away from centering the product if at all possible. The rule of thirds would apply to this photo better than a center shot. I do like the foam however.

Give your depth of field a little play. You want to blur the background a bit while keeping the product completely in focus. It helps draw the eye immediately to what is important.

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