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Identify unknown paraffin wax?

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New to posting here, but I've been reading like crazy for a long time! :) Search and I are old friends... but now I've got a weird question.

I've mostly been making soy/soy-blend container candles, so don't know too much about paraffin yet. A friend gave me two 11-pound slabs of an unknown paraffin wax. There is no identifying information on the wrapping at all except "container wax," and she doesn't know where it came from.

I made a small container candle with it and put in 6% FO and it's bleeding FO. I heated it to 182, added FO (KY Southern Vanilla) at 180 and poured it at 170, no color. There's a puddle of FO on top now.

My questions are: If 6% FO bleeds, is this wax even worth messing with? Maybe I can mix it with some soy and make my own blend, or should I just trash it? Maybe I used all the wrong temperatures? Is there any way to identify it?

Thanks for any help or insight...


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I think it's gonna be hard to identify, but post a photo of the slab and the candle if you can. You never know. Maybe we can figure out something about it, maybe not.

The first question in my mind is whether it's container wax as in a formulated blend, or just low MP paraffin for blending.

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Thanks for the replies!

Top - I think you're most likely right about the low MP paraffin as opposed to a real container blend. The labeling on the paper is hand-written rather than a printed label. I'm guessing this came from a craft shop.

Mystical - I don't mind questions... I've got a million of 'em! :wink2: It's very hard, no bending or pressing of fingers into it - I had a hard time breaking it with a hammer. In appearance, it reminds me of the household paraffin we used to use to seal jelly. It's grayish white - slightly whiter than the household wax (I compared them side by side). Seems brittle, but I'm not sure if it's actually brittle as waxes go...

Candlesprite - I was thinking of adding Vybar too - but I don't have any yet...

I'll take some pictures over the weekend and see if I can figure out how to post them.

Thanks again!


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Sounds like maybe a fully refined low-mp container wax. Did it mottle when you tried it? That sort of thing can be good for mottled container candles, but sounds like you'd have to back off to 5% FO. You could also add Vybar to make it smooth but I'd guess it might just pull away from the glass completely.

If it mottles I'd just roll with that for the containers, no additive. Otherwise use Vybar or Universal Additive and you can make some real nice votives with it.

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I got some paraffin recently, too and am not sure what type it is. The description you gave is almost exactly like what I have, though. I tried some votives with 1 pound wax, 1 ounce oil and it bled oil and mottled like crazy. I now add between 4 and 5% FO and 0.1 oz vybar 103 per pound and am getting really nice votives with a really smooth finish and great scent throw, no mottling (although I kinda liked the mottled look, just not what I wanted). Here's a pic, one octagon pearberry and a standard blueberry, unwicked:



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OK... I took a picture but I'm not sure if you can see it well enough. (I can't see this in the preview, hope I did it right)

Top - I have to show my ignorance here and admit that I don't know what mottling would look like really. Along the sides of the container, the wax looks sort of mottled or bumpy, I'd say... as does the wax in the block.

I love your votives, BNTC! I'll have to try some votives - that would make me happy. ;)

Several edits later... hope the picture is here now.


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You're way too fast for me, Top! LOL! Your link does look like my little candle here...

I forgot to add that the unknown paraffin is on the left, candle in the middle with the puddle of FO, and some household wax on the right.


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Well I think you can probably make some fun things with it. Try the votives, and maybe 4% for a mottled container to keep it from puddling. Pour at 175 into a slightly heated jar, cover it with a box or something to slow down the cooling, and top it off at the end to make a level surface. I think it would be difficult to single wick a container that wide with this wax, so see if you have something maybe a little less than 3 inches to make it easy.

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Thanks for the suggestions, Top! I will try them all out for sure. That little jar has a 2-inch opening - my friend (same one) saves them for me; she gets them as candles at the dollar store. I like the jars, but I do have others like 8-ounce JJ, square masons, tumblers, status, etc.

Thanks to everyone for helping me with this - so glad I won't have to toss the wax! :yay:

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It looks like straight paraffin from the hobby store to me.

Same here. If it is, the MP is ~134 degrees and it needs additives to get it to do much. Great for votives though with some stearine or vybar. HTH.

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