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As far as their company goes they will NEVER get any business from me and I will be sure to let as many people as I can to boycott their company. I haven't ever heard of anything so outrageous in my life.

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I guess what I'm trying to say is I have a candle business and if someone has a problem with my candles I would hope they would come to me and complain and we would work out the problem. I was on a differenet message board earlier am today and it was so enjoyable because they were asking questions about how to make a better candle.

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From: Cindy Novack

I do apologize for the miscommunications with Krystal and I understand where you are coming from. I had a long talk with Krystal about the situation and she somehow thought there was something different going on than you just returning the melters. A simple situation got very complicated and I'm sorry that she did not handle the situation in a matter that was satisfactory to you. She had somehow thought that you used the melters and then wanted to return them and that's where the 15% came into play. You should see the full refund post to your card and we did not charge you a restocking fee.

Believe it or not we have people who return melters to us that they never purchased from us or ones that they've used for 2 years etc. so unfortunately it obviously gave us a bad attitude with the way we handled your situation. I am truly sorry for that and the entire staff is instructed to go home, have a glass of wine and return on Monday with a better attitude! LOL

The message board somehow escalated into people thinking that we were charging $15.00 per box for everything that UPS damages and other stuff that wasn't true also and I just wanted to get it resolved as quickly as possible. I'm trying to resolve all of the problems and improve in the future too.

Thanks again and have a great weekend!


Candles and Supplies.com, Inc.

Hi Top :wave:

Glad to see you rode this puppy out LOL

Looks like both sides of this situation was stressed.

WOW I have learnt a lot from this thread.

Just goes to show you that there are a lot of suppliers that

scan the message boards to watch how their business is rating.

The most I have learnt is how important communication skills are !!!

Glad things have calmed down for you all

Forget the wine I would go for the hard stuff LOL

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I guess what I'm trying to say is I have a candle business and if someone has a problem with my candles I would hope they would come to me and complain and we would work out the problem. I was on a differenet message board earlier am today and it was so enjoyable because they were asking questions about how to make a better candle.

Quite a few of us do have candle businesses too. If you have bothered to read alot of what is on this board, you will see that about 99% of what we do is help people who have candle making questions. You seem to have only jumped in on this thread, and now think we only bash suppliers for no good reason. CT is the Cadillac of candle message boards; just check out the number of newbies who post. If you are so busy with your candle business that you can't spend time on a message board, then good for you that your business is doing so well. But as long as we have fingers to type and the Freedom to speak our minds, we are going to vent as we see fit. If you don't like what we do here, then you are more than welcome to frequent another board.

You noobs all taste alike.


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I am only trying to understand why you guys don't call the company and try to work out your negative feelings instead of trying to put the company out of business. I happen to buy from them and have nothing but good treatment and if I have a problem I work it out with them. I know that I deal with usually a few ladies and they treat me very well. If you have a problem you can call and talk to a lady named Lena. She may not be a miracle worker and is working for a paycheck like most people are and will do what she can for you. I understand that people have opinions and want to vent and thats normal. I just don't agree that your all trying to put the company out of business.

Any replys are welcome

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I am only trying to understand why you guys don't call the company and try to work out your negative feelings instead of trying to put the company out of business. .....

Again, if you read the entire thread, you will notice that Top did communicate with the company to try and resolve the issue.

No-one here is trying to put a company out of business, they can do that all by themselves by not offering their customers - who are their business in the first place - good service! This is not the first, and only time, that this company has not treated their customers well, and hence the many replies.

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Again, if you read the entire thread, you will notice that Top did communicate with the company to try and resolve the issue.

No-one here is trying to put a company out of business, they can do that all by themselves by not offering their customers - who are their business in the first place - good service! This is not the first, and only time, that this company has not treated their customers well, and hence the many replies.

I read everything that has been said from page 1 to the end so far and if some of you guys read it all you will see like I did that they did fully take care of the situation because it looks like someone from candles and supplies posted exactly everything they did for him at the end and to me he got everything he wanted. I think some of you are not looking at the full picture when it comes to the melter problem. If you got time to put them down then take time to read it all from the beginning. I understand that not every company is perfect and I can tell you all something else. I know that in other rooms I have also heard people complaining about candlewic and other wax and candle supplies companies. None of them are perfect. I don't mean to go against what you guys believe but I truly think you guys are looking at a couple of things that has happened and not realizing that sometimes people tell you what they want you to believe and you really don't know the full story.

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I don't think you quite understand what the others are saying. Being a newbie and jumping in how wonderful they are on your first post is a red flag to everyone. The board is here for everyone to work together to make a a good quality candle and to help them succeed in any way they need to be. This has happened on other boards to, so we are all just looking out for the best of information. The flag popped up when I read your email. Your just overwelmingly supporting them. I too have had good expeiences with them as welll, and bad also. however when a supplier and customer has an issue that cannot be resolved together and they feel taken advantage of, that why we are here for advice.

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Why even bother, people have good experiences and bad, but aren't we all adults who have the right to our own decision.

If I choose not to use a company because of what I have read isn't that my given right??

I will never understand why those that post in the defense of the supplier will not just accept that there are people out there that disagree with them. I don't believe anyone who ever complained about a company has said....jump on the bandwagon.

I believe that posts about bad customer service is an alert only. A "look what happened to me" so that people are aware.

I do believe this company has been notified several times by several members and it appears that the company is not very customer friendly. We have a right to our own opinions just as the defense posters do also.

The majority of us do have candle businesses, but we always make time for ourselves, and to learn more. By coming on this message board it does not mean that we are not sucessful...and no one should ever be labeled by how often they have time to post.

I am able to frequent this board alot, because I do my candle pouring after my children are in bed or at school, while I am doing my computer work, I have time to visit this message board...that does not mean that I am not productive....it simply means that I am able to multi task. Which I am sure other candle makers can also.

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I am only trying to understand why you guys don't call the company and try to work out your negative feelings instead of trying to put the company out of business. I happen to buy from them and have nothing but good treatment and if I have a problem I work it out with them. I know that I deal with usually a few ladies and they treat me very well. If you have a problem you can call and talk to a lady named Lena. She may not be a miracle worker and is working for a paycheck like most people are and will do what she can for you. I understand that people have opinions and want to vent and thats normal. I just don't agree that your all trying to put the company out of business.

Any replys are welcome

My comments were directed in a general manner about business. We don't intend to put anyone out of business, I'm certain C&S has plenty of satisfied customers, and I'm certain many of them do not post here on CT. But at the same time, there are plenty of candle supply companies out there, and when they all pretty much offer the same stuff, the one thing that makes a business stand out is customer service. Face it, everybody knows that businesses do alot of butt-kissing when all other things are the same. When it comes to purchasing candle supplies, shipping charges is a BIG issue. We know we have to pay them, and we don't mind paying a fair charge. Perhaps C&S needs to get an update to their website/shopping cart so that it can more accurately provide the shipping charges upon checkout.

If C&S continues down the road they are on, and their sales suffer, then tough toenails. That's separating the wheat from the chaff. Happens all the time in business and life. We are certainly within our right to gripe and tell others.

Good luck and continued success with your business! :cool2:


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Just adding Bailey, some have worked through frustrated dealings with C&S only to see no changes or get no results so some are venting here.

We're all aware that others have gripes about other companies. Some of the differences, including having a beef with a couple of other companies, is that those companies are trying to improve customer service. Candlewic may still be a long way from a huge hurrah, but they're a lot closer than they were a year ago. Depends on what investment a company wants to make I suppose.

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Often times too, suppliers read these boards and if they see that it isn't just one disgruntled customer but in fact many, they might use these types of posts as a "heads up" and make some important and needed changes in the way they conduct business if they want to remain a viable business. KWIM? All businesses are not perfect and it is obvious when it is one of those that made an honest mistake but when one reads time after time of problems with a supplier, it leads one to believe that these aren't honest mistakes and that a problem exists with that supplier that isn't important enough to them for it to be corrected. Many folks are pretty forgiving and willling to give suppliers a chance when honest efforts are made to correct and improve their business practices. Otherwise, a bad supplier will remain in business for alot longer than they should while continuing these bad business practices before they actually have to close their doors. These threads just help to either help suppliers alleviate their problems or get their doors closed sooner than later. I say its up to that supplier which outcome they will experience based on the way they respond to threads like these.

How would you feel if you bought from supplier that really sucked and yet no one bothered to post about their unfavorable dealings with them which would have saved you alot of headaches had they done so?????

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:yay: I was gonna stay out of this, but what the heck. While I too am extremely busy running my business(es) I do find time to read the boards and see what's happening in candle land...

What I really, really find to be bad business is someone trying to pass the buck, dodge the bullet and make excuses. If someone in your organization screwed up, just say so, say you're sorry, correct the problem and continue on smartly. There was no "misunderstanding" just pp customer service....oh, wait....NO customer service.....until this thread got noticed. Bad form on the part of C&S....and yes, there are many who read this and won't reply but also won't use C&S either...and all it will take is a few more "misunderstandings" for their business to really suffer.

Best advice you can ever get is to be honest....if you goof, admit it. Most people are more than willing to accept an honest apology and an effort to correct a problem. Making excuses and outright...ummm stretching the truth doesn't cut it. Integrity goes a looooong way in any business. just my 2 scents worth

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