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Awapuhi Seaberry with Pink Kaolin clay pics unmolded added

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Thanks guys.:)

Here's the description from MMS' site.

"Awapuhi is Hawaiian for "White Ginger." Imagine a fresh ocean breeze with a whisper of floral accompanied with a perfectly mastered blend of melons and berries. This is truly a island sensation."

This FO soaps wonderfully with no A&D at all. You have plenty of time to play with it. Last time I soaped it, I used ground rose hips in it. I personally don't care for the scent but it's the DH's fav and it sells really well. I'll show some pictures when I undmold it tomorrow. I am just hoping the coloring went all the way through.

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I've had some that I've gotten a swirl through but more often than not, my swirls have left alot to be desired. I am bound damned and determined to make a bar of soap that isn't just nice but is a really beautiful bar of soap. LOL Folks around here are really inspiring to me in that endeavor.

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I've had some that I've gotten a swirl through but more often than not, my swirls have left alot to be desired. I am bound damned and determined to make a bar of soap that isn't just nice but is a really beautiful bar of soap. LOL Folks around here are really inspiring to me in that endeavor.

LOL For a moment I thought you were in my head! I am the same way .... that's why I never post my soap pictures! I am damned and determined that I too will have beautiful soapies someday too!!

I think your Awapuhi looks great!;)

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