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Votive wick pins

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I had the same problem. Really irked me too to say the least. I just set them on the counter and eyeballed them and held the base while I bent them where they needed to go. They work pretty well now. I haven't tried adding the wick while cooling but I'm thinking about it.

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Hi, I got some wick pins last week for votives, I swear they are almost all crooked (crook-ed)? Is there an easy way to bend them to make them straight? Or is there good and bad ones and maybe I should order from a diff supplier? TIA;)

I think I would contact the supplier and let them know. If it was only one crooked one I might let it slide but not if it was all of them. ( or even most of them )

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Wick pins are shipped to your supplier loose in a box, with perhaps as many as 500 in the box. As they are thrown around in shipping, some are bound to be deformed. Your supplier should inspect them when packing them for shipment to you, but hired help being what it is, they probably don't. You should inspect the pins before using them, and if only lightly deformed they can be easily straightened. In straightening a badly deformed one, the bottom flange can be deformed also, making the pin useless. Your supplier should replace the badly deformed ones. If they won't, find another supplier.

I've tried wicking after pouring and don't care for that process. The votive wax can melt the wax in the wick, causing it to lean, causing the same problem as the bent wick pin.

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