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want to make tea tree soap


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I meant refreshing, but was eating and yummy came out on paper, LOL! can it be added with ANY of the oils used in soap, in reference to cocoa butter that has a smell to it anyway or would I need refined cocoa butter, the non scented kind? Was thinking maybe it made a funny smell mixed

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I wouldn't say it was a yummy soap but it is effective. You can use it

@.5 oz ppo in your soap.

:laugh2: that's what I was thinking, or maybe that the TTO in Walmart was magically better. Have to tell ya I literally dumped accidentally 1/2 a bottle on my son's booboo before school last week and no one would come near him all day. His feelings were so hurt because they told him he stunk .

I agree with Meredith, Peppermint will do the trick as I make a peppermint foot scrub that has TTO in it and you can't smell it. I do use more peppermint than TTO. Oh heck why not add a little menthol crystals to it as well, it'll really be refreshing then. I made a salt bar with peppermint and m.crystals, my husband used it in the shower, and let me tell ya..... I walked into the bathroom to have him tell me his _alls were on fire. I just about died laughing :laugh2:and said oh yeah that's the EO and crystals do you like? Apparently having your private parts feeling like they're on fire is no fun!

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I got it by the pharmacy where they are selling glicerine, it was right buy the chigger medacine, its in brown 2oz glass bottle and brand is herbal harvest, it sold for about 4 something HTH and thanks gonna try and make some later

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I made a salt bar with peppermint and m.crystals, my husband used it in the shower, and let me tell ya..... I walked into the bathroom to have him tell me his _alls were on fire. I just about died laughing :laugh2:and said oh yeah that's the EO and crystals do you like? Apparently having your private parts feeling like they're on fire is no fun!

Hey, can I buy a bar of that for my ex? He has a birthday coming up.:shocked2:

Kidding everyone.

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I got it by the pharmacy where they are selling glicerine, it was right buy the chigger medacine, its in brown 2oz glass bottle and brand is herbal harvest, it sold for about 4 something HTH and thanks gonna try and make some later

What's chigger?

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Carrie, found this enlightening info for you. http://experts.about.com/q/665/824509.htm

A chiggar or red bug is a member of a group of ectoparasitic mites. The immature stages attack by crawling onto you as you walk through grass and other vegitation. They then crawl to a place where clothing is rather tight, i.e. around the ankles (socks), belt and elastic lines (undergarments). Once there, they bury their head in your skin and salivate onto the surrounding tissue. They then suck up the digested part of you, and fall off to lay their eggs in the grass. This may take about a day. The itching you experience is a reaction to the digestive enzyme they have released into your tissue and THAT lasts for a while . These little guys are very small and hard to see; Their bite site, however, is quite noticeable. There are non-prescripton ointments that you can buy that will make the irritation go away. Kinda creepy to know that you've been partially digested while walking around thinking every thing was wonderful. I've found that spraying my ankles, rims of my socks, boot tops, and bottom of by pants legs with a good repellant works wonders. I used to get eaten up when I was doing field work. Now that I've been spraying I only get one or two redbugs occassionally. Ever wonder where some science fiction writers get their ideas? Many of them have some knowledge of parasitology, entomology and invertebrate zoology.

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Chiggers are nasty little red bugs that inbed themselves under your skin and itch like crazy. As a kid, we lived in Plano, Texas where there was lots of chiggers. One day, my Dad sat in a nest and got his "boys" infested with them. He came home in pain and barely able to walk, with the "boys" swollen and red. Someone told my Mom that to get rid of them, you covered the infected area with nail polish because it suffocated them and caused them remove themselves from underneath your skin. So as my Dad layed on the bed in agonizing pain, my Mother dumped nail polish all over this very delicate area. Apparently this was not a pleasant feeling. The boys do not like nail polish on them at anytime especially when you have little open bite marks it causes immediate pain. My Mother just paniced. She used the only thing she knew would remove nail polish, nail polish remover. This just added more insult to injury. LOL I was told you could hear the screaming for miles. That was over 30 years ago and to this day, I don't think my Dad has truly forgiven my Mother. LOL

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Chiggers are nasty little red bugs that inbed themselves under your skin and itch like crazy. As a kid, we lived in Plano, Texas where there was lots of chiggers. One day, my Dad sat in a nest and got his "boys" infested with them. He came home in pain and barely able to walk, with the "boys" swollen and red. Someone told my Mom that to get rid of them, you covered the infected area with nail polish because it suffocated them and caused them remove themselves from underneath your skin. So as my Dad layed on the bed in agonizing pain, my Mother dumped nail polish all over this very delicate area. Apparently this was not a pleasant feeling. The boys do not like nail polish on them at anytime especially when you have little open bite marks it causes immediate pain. My Mother just paniced. She used the only thing she knew would remove nail polish, nail polish remover. This just added more insult to injury. LOL I was told you could hear the screaming for miles. That was over 30 years ago and to this day, I don't think my Dad has truly forgiven my Mother. LOL

I cannot even imagine.

Thanks for the lesson. I thank the lord daily for making this little piece of Paradise I call home. No chiggers and no poisonous snakes. The cold weather lasts a little too long for my liking but that's the price I pay to be here.

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Chiggers are nasty little red bugs that inbed themselves under your skin and itch like crazy. As a kid, we lived in Plano, Texas where there was lots of chiggers. One day, my Dad sat in a nest and got his "boys" infested with them. He came home in pain and barely able to walk, with the "boys" swollen and red. Someone told my Mom that to get rid of them, you covered the infected area with nail polish because it suffocated them and caused them remove themselves from underneath your skin. So as my Dad layed on the bed in agonizing pain, my Mother dumped nail polish all over this very delicate area. Apparently this was not a pleasant feeling. The boys do not like nail polish on them at anytime especially when you have little open bite marks it causes immediate pain. My Mother just paniced. She used the only thing she knew would remove nail polish, nail polish remover. This just added more insult to injury. LOL I was told you could hear the screaming for miles. That was over 30 years ago and to this day, I don't think my Dad has truly forgiven my Mother. LOL

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

You really got me on this one. I'm sitting here alone laughing my ____ off!!

It takes a really good story to make me laugh. This is right up there with the story of the guy that got the jellyfish in his scuba suit!!!

Glo:laugh2: :laugh2:

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I love tea tree. I've used it in soap with cocoa butter but I couldn't smell either over the neem oil.

Tea tree and lavender is nice. DH likes Tea Tree at 1 oz PPO 'cuz he likes to feel his "skin bubble off". He'd probably like that b_ll burning salt bar.

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Its funny this thread surfaced again I just made some massage bar shaped CP soap yesterday. Using Tea Tree, Peppermint EO and FO, and Menthol Crystals... I was so mad after I made it that I didn't add Emu Oil. I had read in a few places that Emu Oil with EO's are wonderful for the skin~ dern :undecided .

These new bars are incognito so my DH won't suspect a thing :laugh2: !! What a great name Peppermint Ball Burners!! :laugh2: :laugh2:

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Chiggers are nasty little red bugs that inbed themselves under your skin and itch like crazy. As a kid, we lived in Plano, Texas where there was lots of chiggers. One day, my Dad sat in a nest and got his "boys" infested with them. He came home in pain and barely able to walk, with the "boys" swollen and red. Someone told my Mom that to get rid of them, you covered the infected area with nail polish because it suffocated them and caused them remove themselves from underneath your skin. So as my Dad layed on the bed in agonizing pain, my Mother dumped nail polish all over this very delicate area. Apparently this was not a pleasant feeling. The boys do not like nail polish on them at anytime especially when you have little open bite marks it causes immediate pain. My Mother just paniced. She used the only thing she knew would remove nail polish, nail polish remover. This just added more insult to injury. LOL I was told you could hear the screaming for miles. That was over 30 years ago and to this day, I don't think my Dad has truly forgiven my Mother. LOL

OMG is that a funny story. Your poor dad!

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