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New to candlemaking

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I have been looking for a creative outlet for myself and want to try my hand at candlemaking. :-) My husband and I love candles in the house and if I like it and am good at it, I may turn it into a side job.

Anyhoo, I am starting from scratch. I've been reading on the internet that to start, I should purchase a Presto "Kitchen Kettle" and all the supplies necessary. I saw a kit in Walmart called "Candle Creations Candle Making Machine". Is this a good idea or a waste of money?

Any and all advice is welcome!



Canadensis, PA

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I would say the candle making machine from Walmart would be a waste of money. I would suggest to purchase a starter kit from a candle supplier to begin with. I didn't do that while starting out, but I think it would've helped out a lot more and cost less money.

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Even if you do buy the candle thingy from walmart, you will more and likely wind up buying a presto pot. That is what I use and started off using. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Its so so easy to clean, just wipe with a paper towel while the wax is still hot and your done. also its none stick surface allows for great clean up as well. It has a temp control too.

i got a starter kit to start out with from Bitter Creek north. I wasn't impressed with the supplies or the FO's (yuck) but search around. If you google candle making starter kits you will find so many sites it ridiculous.

GOOD LUCK and welcome aboard :cool2:

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I agree...I would buy a Presto Pot. They are soooo helpful!! I think you should purchase a starter kit for one type of candle first (i.e. jars, votives, melts etc.) just to test it out and see if you like it. that way your not spending a TON of money if you change your mind. And then just go from there! but be aware...it's addicting!!

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where in Canada (ontario) Can I get a presto pot? How much do they normally sell for?

You can't...not in a store anyway, lol I've been looking for months (I too live in Ontario). They don't sell them up here. You CAN find them on Ebay ...that's what I'm doing right now! :D


Cheryl :)

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Hi there and welcome to the group!!!:cheesy2: I too am new and also from PA...and I started out with a Presto Pot from Wal-mart. That other kit is not worth your money, trust me on that one!!! The folks here are great to help you with answering questions and there is a lot on the old board that you can learn a lot from...the more I do and read, the more I need to learn...

If there is anyway I can help ;) give me a shout!

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I'm just curious.....how do you pour the wax when using a Presto Pot? I use the double boiler method. But what I have been doing is using an old deep fryer. I put the water in there, and then i set the temp to what I want, and then I just place the pouring pot with wax in the water.

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Somewhere on here is a thead on how to apply a spigot to your presto pot.

I use a ladel right now, but have been procrastinating. I really want to add that spigot. I just need to get off my but and get the supplies. It looks simple enough.

I just did an ebay search and there are a few pesto pots with the spigots, asking $50.00.

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