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I have never been one that liked the tutti-fruitti FOs...they all smell so fake to me.....

that been said, I have had a request (from someone that does the purchasing) for some FRUIT...maybe a Mango-Papaya-ish type something.

Is there anything out there that smells like fresh juicy fruit and not like wanna-be candy fruit?

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SC has an amazing True Mango that smells exactly like the freshly peeled fruit. It's pretty amazing. I hate Mango, I think it smells like vomit, and so it's with great trepidation that I use it, but I mix it with their Yuzu, which is also AWESOME for a grapefruit and it's knock you out of your shoes delicious.

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I have tested several Mangos and I really like The Scented Bean's Ginger Mango. Heartfelt's Island Mango is good too, but I still like the smell of TSB's Ginger Mango the best and it has a great throw in soy. My friend tested both of these to see which one she liked the best and she picked the Ginger Mango. HTH ~Holly

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Starfruit & Mango from Natures Garden is wonderful...better than any others


Southern Sunshine from Aroma Haven is awesome....(but very citrusy)


Tutti Fruitty from BitterCreek smell like Juicy Fruit Gum


Just Scent has about a zillion great fruity scents....................

oh....and: Indiana Candle Supplies just recently added SO MANY FRUITY/Summer oils!!!

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