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Oops-pics added


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Well I think I had a big ol'whoopsie. My second time trying CP & strange things started happening. I mixed in the lye slowly, spoon stirred a little, added the FO and color then stick blended and within a few minutes it was looking like lumpy yogurt. So I panicked and poured it in the bowl, lol. I just peeked at it and although the color really sucks, it seems to be gelling-yay. However, there's a big ol crack going down the middle.:sad2: So I am thinking that I will have some ugly soap in the morning, lol.

Ok, I didn't get zapped, and here r some pics-I should back up and say that I scented it Champagne & Roses from BC and I used red & green coloring. Here's the scary pic:


Soooooo I figure what the hell and I cut a slice off, and to my surprise I get this:


Pink, purple, and a lil white here and there. You guys are right, this is addicting- I can't wait to see what happens the next time!

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Uncover it, and put a fan on it if possible.. It's overheating. You'll be able to trim the "crust" off, and as long as there aren't any lye pockets, it'll be fine! Mine not be pretty, but still fine!

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Well, I uncovered it and put it next to a fan(on low) for the night-this morning I checked and it and I got some icky leatherface soap, lol. But I did notice a few lumps to on the top-is that what lye pockets look like?

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On Saturday I tried my very first CP soap ever. ANd when I added the FO it got super hot....I threw it in the mold and went to grab some towels and I had what looked like bread....it was starting to come out of the pan, and had a huge crack down the middle. I paniced and everything that I had read and learned went out the window...I trew saran wrap over it and put the towels on it....moved the mold into the cool air from the window, and peeked, and the whole thing had gelled that fast......I uncovered it, and waitied....it is not the prettiest soap, but I think I did ok for the first time. (pics in the gallery) It is the lavender and ivory looking soap

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You've got a pretty surprise there! :cheesy2: That's what's so addicting...you plan what you want in your bar, but in your first try with a recipe, scent, or color you just never know for sure. The anticipation is a killer!


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