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4,000 batches later....

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I believe I finally have it. I'd like to thank CTers that helped here and there on this one. After it all, I came up with a recipe that worked just for me!:highfive:

Now my kids have to take 500 baths with the other ones. There was a point where I'd fill up the tub just to drop bombs in to see if they'd float, how long they fizzed, how BIG they fizzed, etc..etc. Such a waste, but I can't take ten baths in one day!

How many of you just want to line them all up instead of the random placement on my table? The more I look at it, I do. Not enough fun colors for me...now to work on layered bombs


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Well Elle...these are even better than the one's I was :drool: about that came out right two weeks ago! YAY yay!!

Now to find the right displays though

Thanks everyone! Now I have to make them like crazy until they decide they don't want to work for me anymore.

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The recipe that I've settled with is

2 cups BS

1 cup citric acid

1 cup corn starch

2 tbsp & 2tsp fo

2tbsp & 2tsp oil of choice (I used ricebran & macadamia nut)

3 tbsp witch hazel

Mix it all up in your kitchen aid mixer and mold away. They're solid for me within 6-8 hours. I've messed with other oils and consistently they work.

I've noticed that between the witch hazel & the corn starch it sucks the dampness right out of them. Barely a flat spot even on my large 6oz balls.

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I've been racking my brain and can't think what BS (besides the obvious) stands for. Otherwise, sounds like a recipe I'd like to try. I started out in B&B about 7 yrs. ago and got away from it and used to make them and they were big sellers but don't remember what I made them from and who knows where my notes are.


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I've been racking my brain and can't think what BS (besides the obvious) stands for. Otherwise, sounds like a recipe I'd like to try. I started out in B&B about 7 yrs. ago and got away from it and used to make them and they were big sellers but don't remember what I made them from and who knows where my notes are.


it's baking soda.

However .... bullsh!t sounds good too!:P

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