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Disappointment at 1st Show...


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I bought this display from Mimistarts on the CT classifieds. I've been very pleased with it! I'm sorry I don't know her source. :sad2:

Thats not a problem Brenda I love that display....I am sending you a pm...I don't want to hijack your thread....

Hugs Maggie

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Brenda you soaps and products look awesome! You were probably the most beautiful booth there. Also keep in mind that this was the schools very first show and they may not have done much promoting of the show. Most schools forget this, thinking the kids will do it for them! NOT as well as Most people won't even check out a first time show until it is more mature in years. Strange I know but that's the public. Finally, it a spring show and those often suck big time!

You and you soaps can come to my house any time It all looks great and probably smells better than it looks!

Chin up sweety, ya got the goods. Try an outdoor festival next time or a show that has a track record for good attendance!:whoohoo: :whoohoo: :whoohoo:


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Bren, it's not you. Retail is in a bit of a slump right now...the gas prices are scaring ppl away, I think.

Beautiful job, very eye appealing...you're doing everything right.

Possibly, the school failed to advertise, or ran the show when other events were going on.

I would have thought that the locals would have been more supportive of the school's event.

They'll remember you...don't give up.

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Guest EMercier

OH NO! Don't tell me that! I have a school show next weekend. I'm not taking an awful lot. Put it this way, I'll only have to make candles.

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For a school craft show $100 isn't that bad really. I've walked out of places with only $25. The Farmers market I have been working lately gets a lot of people that just want to look at the crafts (like a museum) and aren't serious buyers. Maybe you got a crowd like this.

You should try some home parties, I bet you'd sell a ton at those.

Gosh, I know I wouldn't have been able to resist your soaps. I love the colors.

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Your display looks beautiful. If it makes you feel any better, when I went to my first show last year, I barely even made back what I paid for the table!! Plus, my 15 year old cousin was with me as a helper, and I think I spent more money feeding her at the event than I actually made! Hang in there.

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