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Help! Palm oil ?


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I just got my order of palm oil from Columbus foods, it's a 50# bucket of liquid oil. The last (and first) time I ordered palm oil it was from wholesalesupplies.com and it came in a bucket but was a solid. Did I get the same thing and will it act the same in my soap? I sure hope I don't have 50# of the wrong stuff :shocked2: Thanks

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When it gets too warm ....... mine is a liquid. It should be fine. I started saving my 76* Coconut Oil containers that I was getting at the market ..... and putting my Palm Oil into them so I could keep it in the fridge. I know you probablydon't have enough room to keep it all in there. Do you have a basement? If so, you could store the rest down there. That should keep it in a semi solid state. hth ;)

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The first stuff I got really is a solid, almost a shea consistancy. The bucket I got today is very liquid, and trust me it's not that hot where I live today. I used some of the original palm this morning and it was not at all liquid til I put it on the stove. I am worried that my soap won't come out the same. The recipe has coconut, palm, pko, canola and soy. Will I still get a relatively hard bar. TIA

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I received #50 (Palm Oil Homogenized, RBD, No Stir) from CF last week and it was in solid (lard like form) and it was in a blue garbage bag not a bucket. I freaked out and pm'd Robin as it was my first time ordering from there! Its been out in my warm garage (in FL) where the UPS guy put it since it arrived and its still solid but soft.:confused:

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Could you have ordered regular palm this time and not the hydrogenated palm?

If so, be glad that it's all liquid right now, because if it's the regular palm, you have to stir it up to mix it up really well before you use it. I'd stir it up really well and split it up now, or at least before the temp goes back down and it solidifies again. Otherwise, can you imagine melting a 50# bucket to use 8 oz of it?

I'd call them to check on it.

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Hi all,

Just had this discussion with experienced soapers at the OH/KY soap gathering. We had a pallet delivered from Columbus Foods and I was helping to sort the orders (and asking questions)

If you got the bucket, you have the palm that must be stirred. You will definitely want to stir it well, then put it in smaller containers.

Next time you order, you really want the no-stir, homogenized palm in the 50# cube.

They will act the same, but the cube is so much easier to deal with. (This from 3-4 different soapers, when I asked about the difference)

They are both solid if the temp is cool enough. Like Rebecca said, if it separates, then solidifies, you would need to melt the whole thing to stir it up --- UGGGH!!!


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Hi all,

Just had this discussion with experienced soapers at the OH/KY soap gathering. We had a pallet delivered from Columbus Foods and I was helping to sort the orders (and asking questions)

If you got the bucket, you have the palm that must be stirred. You will definitely want to stir it well, then put it in smaller containers.

Next time you order, you really want the no-stir, homogenized palm in the 50# cube.

They will act the same, but the cube is so much easier to deal with. (This from 3-4 different soapers, when I asked about the difference)

They are both solid if the temp is cool enough. Like Rebecca said, if it separates, then solidifies, you would need to melt the whole thing to stir it up --- UGGGH!!!


Just a note, per their CF they will not ship the homogenized Palm in a cube during the summer months due to the fact it will melt and well, it will go all over the place, if you need the homogenized you might want to call them and see what there cut off date is.



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Crisco is primarily soybean oil (soy oil) that has been homoginized, and it's this process that makes it a solid oil. Although regular normal palm will solidify at a higher temp than regular soy will. It's this same processing to oils that make them hydrogenated and not good for the internal human body (external is fine).

So looking at crisco versus soy oil, you will kinda see the difference between the no-stir homoginized palm and the regular palm (I say kinda because the palm will solidify at a higher temp than soy so there is a diff. in that).

I'd go to the dollar store and look for some of those 2/$1.00 containers, buy a bunch, stir this up really good and then split it up. Or go to Walmart and buy some of the empty gallon jugs they have for the water dispenser (if your store has one), at mine they were 75 a piece.

The stearic seperates out of the the rest of the fatty acids in palm so if you don't stir it up really good, you won't have consistant results. Stir it up really good before use and you'll be okay.

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