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My first show


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It's 12.30am and I just got back from doing my very first show. I displayed my candles and bath/body products at a pamper evening being held at my niece's school.

I took WAY too much stuff - there were boxes everywhere and I couldn't display some of it....I think I may habe been a little too productive!!

Anyway, I have no idea what a "good" show would be - but after paying the $60 registration, I made just over $250 ($310 in total) The show was from 7pm to 10pm so I reckon $250 is an OK amount for 3 hours???

I'm very very happy that even one of my products sold, but a wide variety sold - including soaps, lipbalms, candles, wax melts, smelly jelly and aromatherapy creams.

Also got some wholesale enquiries and an invitation to display my products at a local health club. The teachers of the school also want me to go and have a little candle-making class for the kids (I worry about hot wax near kids though???)

Am exhausted - it took two weeks of preparation for this show and my feet are killing me...but I'm so happy. I gave up my IT job to do this candle thing and I'm really pleased that other people like my candles as much as I like creating them!


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Congratulations!! Sounds like things went well.

My (almost) 3 year old likes to help when I make candles. I let her wick the jars and clip the clothes pins on to center them and she's allowed to choose which scent I pour. If she were older, I'd probably let her pour the fo and stir a little, so maybe the class might be ok. I'm sure great care and caution will be taken to keep the kids safe.

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Congratulations on your show. :highfive: Sounds like you had a great time.

A couple of ideas for the kids:

1. Smelly Jelly's - they could pick the scent, stir in the food coloring and add the distilled water.

2. Ice candles made in a milk container. You could get cheap tapers, the kids could pack ice cubes around the taper and you could fill them with the wax. Or if kids still get milk in those little boxes a votive might work.

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