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First show of the season this weekend! - UPDATE

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

This is my first show of the season. I don't normally do spring shows, but want to maxmize exposure. This is also the two day show I posted about around Christmas (juried one) that I got in. I can't wait. I have lots to do before then, but I'm praying that my stuff will be finished and packed up into the SUV tomorrow night, so that I can get a good nights' sleep and wake up refreshed. I know I always looked tired at those shows even when I got sleep and I don't want to rush around to get it together. I can't set up tomorrow night as I have my Business Law Final. I'll opt for Saturday morning. I'll put most of the stuff together at home so that I won't have to spend much time getting ready at the show. The weather person is calling for rain and others aren't I don't know. I hope it draws people in. I told people at my old job, school, my new job, and my BF's job. I gave them all postcards as well. I hope I get people out. I'm unvieling my soy candles. I'm also unvieling my expanded all natural bath and body line.

Send well wishes! - I'll post pictures as well.

OK, I've updated the end with pictures. Very good turnout. I got my booth back as well as 1 times that, which wasn't bad. I received this the first day. That was weird it POURED! Today wasn't good at all. I did gain a wholesale account. It's funny because this lady was the same one I"ve been meaning to solicit for wholesale and she came in! I was excited. Lots were complaining they weren't makeing their booth all while I made mine. We didn't get a lot of traffic because many didn't know we were back there. My soaps sold well! I'm upset I couldn't make more. I ran out of oils when I made these. I'll have to make more. This one guy who was selling beeswax candles and soaps and other stuff was bashing my soaps and stuff. I head him saying that mine wasn't all natural. The nerve, but funny how they came right over to my table. I was done and no one wanted my nekked soap! OH well. The best sellers were my Lavender and OHM soap. This was my first two day show, where I posted here about the lady not wanting to let me in and when she saw my stuff and my display she invited me back for the Fall Show (which is bigger) and bought 6 16 oz candles for gifts! I was shocked. I got so many compliments on my display, my presentation, my packaging, and how everything when together. So Thanks Bizzy B's! People did not realize hwo I printed everything myself. I had a few people stand there and just stare. Best sellers were: Pears & Berries, Lovespell, and Black Raspberry Vanilla. People loved that I did Soy and that everything was natural, I did this because this is that type of crowd and they thought it was a blend and I told them nope! OK, I'm done look at my pics! OH, I got people telling me it was like pottery barn. That's the look I was looking for.

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Guest EMercier

I hope so, my Propay account was just activated last week and I have my imprinter. So I now accept cards at shows! Although I should figure out how to use it. I tried the other day, but I couldn't get it, so I said I'll come back to it.

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Is the show indoors or outside? If it's inside, rainy spring weather may be a help rather than a hinderance. At least that was my experience a few weeks ago with my first spring show (actually, first show ever on my own). I believe the steady show attendance reflected crappy weather that was not conducive to yard workit. On the other hand, spring open house at the shop reflected the first warm, sunny spring weekend...it was a flop. At any rate, best wishes and enjoy!

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Guest EMercier

The show is inside and it's supposed to start raining today. I'm leaving work early to finish up. I poured my last candle last night and now all i have to do today is clean up the jars and label them. I also have to pack my stuff up. It feel so good to be done early for a change.

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Glad to hear your show went well, I'm so happy for you!:yay:

Your booth looks wonderful! I noticed you use the same black wire shelving squares that I do for my glass/jewelry shows. Aren't they the easiest to snap together, and pack & store?

High fives to you! :highfive:

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Guest EMercier

Thanks! I took time off making candles and doing anything to revamp everything. I kinda 'borrowed" the idea from a candle label I saw at Target, but It's not exactly the same. This is different, but gave me inspiration that Bizzy B's did. I swear people just stood and stared at my stuff. I should've taken pictures of other people's stuff as a sample to let you kow what they had. Nice stuff. Can't wait to go back in the fall!

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Guest EMercier
It looks great!!! Where did you ge your tealight packaging?

What do you mean? I got the boxes from the co-op that Ashlie K runs every now and then. They are from sunshine container.

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