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I placed an order with a supplier *Update*

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Update: I was able to find another telephone number on the website and got through to them. They are shipping out replacements of the missing items today. I probably won't get them until the end of the week though.


I received the order on Friday - two boxes. There were 5 items missing from the order (dyes, FO's wicks) that totaled about 30.00 + shipping. I emailed them as soon as I noticed the items were missing. I got an email back telling me to check the boxes again - I completely emptied them of shipping peanuts, etc. The items were still missing. :rolleyes2 Emailed them again and I get an email back that since they were marked off on my invoice as shipped I must have received them.

This is a fairly large supplier - not a rinky dink outfit. I was a bit peeved in the first place because I had planned a weekend of testing with the wicks. But I know it's human nature to err. I just assumed that they would send the items ASAP. It sounds like they are going to give me a hard time about it.

I'm going to call in the morning but if they don't give me confirmation that the missing items will be shipped ASAP I'll have to dispute it with my cc company.

Have you ever had a supplier treat you this way? I've ordered from this place at least 3 times in the past.

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It's great that they're checking items off as they pull them. But even this method isn't foolproof, e.g. if they check it off and then got distracted by something and the item never made it into the box. I hope you can get this sorted out and they will send the missing items soon.

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I have never had that happen before. I have received orders that had the wrong items, missing items, damaged etc. and never had a problem getting what I had ordered shipped out. In fact one time a supplier over nighted it . For a supplier to say " I must have received them because the invoice has been checked off" is not acceptable. If I got that response they would permanently be marked off my list as a supplier as well as a CC dispute.

Hopefully when you talk to them you will be able to get your stuff.

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If they have a 1-800 number I would use it, heck I would call either way, It seems better to try to settle a dispute like this over the phone instead of emails. The "personal" contact is more powerful than the written word in most cases and faster. IMHO ;)


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I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with this over the phone. The number they have listed on the invoice and website is out of service.

I would e-mail them and let them know that you tried to reach them by phone to clear up this mistake and ask for a valid phone number. Can't believe they don't have a working phone number on their site. :undecided

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This is posted in the wrong place, and actually I think it's inappropriate to post it before you've even picked up the phone to get it straightened out.

Why would you wait to call them after the company has already EMAILED you in response TWICE saying basically that they couldn't be in the wrong? I'd be bitching to the high heavens after that sort of response from a supplier. This is not to say that I wouldn't call them too if their ph. number was valid, but you can bet after more than one response like theirs I would complain to anyone who would listen.

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You totally did the right thing, I guess Top doesn't understand that.

Personally, I understand Top's point. Why would you bother posting until you've tried every avenue to get it straightened out? Why bother posting at all, really? Let's not be so quick to judge others. We all have our different opinions.

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