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distilled water vs Tap water

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I've heard that especially hard water can interfere with lathering. However, I've not tested that theory out myself.

I'm anal, so I always use distilled water. LOL I figure there's less chance of AJ screwing something up that way. heh heh heh

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I started out using distilled water and within a year, started using the filtered water from our refrigerator. I did this for 5+ years without any issues at all. When I moved, we didn't hook the filtered water system up in our refrigerator, so I couldn't use the water from there anymore.

Without thinking, I used tap water (simply because it had been so long since I bought water to make soap with). I made 3, maybe 4 batches of soap (with a recipe very similar to what I had used before) and the ash that developed on my soap was unlike anything I've ever had before. I had used 3/4 FO's I used in these batches before, so the ash wasn't caused by an FO. The only difference in my batches was the water. Lots of rusty looking stains and lime buildup develops from our water.

I went back to using distilled water and my soap no longer forms ash (once again).

I did not notice any difference in lather or quality of the soap, just horrid ash covering the entire surface of the soap (that was exposed to air).

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Tap water could have trace amounts of most anything. Lead, minerals, iron etc. you name it and it might effect your soap.

This is not soap related but it does pertain to water. With my Smelly Jelly room fresheners if I use tap water they tend to mold really fast. If I use distilled water no mold growth.

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Great post!!!!!

Now, not to hyjack what is the difference between distilled water and spring water????

Distilled water goes through a distillation process. Basically the water is in one tank that is heated and as steam is created, the steam is diverted through tubing that leads to another tank where the steam is cooled and by cooling it turns back to liquid (water). Any gunk in the water is left in the first tank. Any bacteria is killed due to the temp of the heating.

Spring water comes from any spring. Might be cleaned further than that, might only be filtered to remove any large particles and then bottled. Different companies do it differently. Best to check the label to see what it says and if it's vague or no information, call them and ask.

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  • 3 years later...

I think ,it is all the chemicals they use to purify our water supply,then the un mentioned boiled water advisors!They have water testing kits ,test your water.some times ours 6 ph other days 9 ph-also some times high iron -don' forget in lotions what ever is in the water goes into your body,but what the heck -you drink it any way.lol:rolleyes2

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