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My Crackle Ball

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Well.... thanks for Jojo for bringing this technique to my attention and due to Donitas fantastic tutorial, I was able to turn a terrible looking ball candle into a very nice crackled candle in a matter of minutes.

Thank you both so much!

I made the pic rather large to show off the detail.

It's scented with Peak's Amish Harvest.

What do you think? Personally, I'm amazed! :thumbsup: I wish I had taken a before picture. You'd never believe it's the same candle.



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I was just as excited as you Regina when I discovered this crackle technique! I had a cupboard FULL of candles that weren't quite perfect that I hadn't gotten around to melting yet. This technique was the answer to my prayers! :D

Of course, all this excitement disappeared when I actually tried it! :( I followed Donita's excellent tutorial exactly, but.... ugh. The wick fell out of the first one while I was dipping it and the candle dropped in. The entire jug of water and melted wax went EVERYWHERE. I wasn't about to give up, so tried with the next one. The candle kept floating from side to side every time I dipped it! Because the wick isn't solid and the candle is lighter in weight than the water, it wouldn't dip properly. I ended up shoving a fork in the middle and dipping it that way... but then I had holes and drip marks all over the candle! Please tell me I'm not the only one that has these problems with dipping?! :embarasse

I discovered another way to make the crackle look though... I put a candle in the freezer for a while, ran it under hot water and then immediately back into the freezer. It worked! It doesn't look as good as yours and Donita's and JoJo's though, so if you (or anyone) can offer any suggestions on dipping, I'm all ears! Thanks! :)

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