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Major SCARE!!!!!

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Ok who can tell me a little bit about this experience I just had. I was testing Ecosoya Pure in a 4 oz. clear flower pot with a Spiced Pear fragrant oil today. Cured the candle all night and had it lit for about 5 hours when all of a sudden I looked over and the whole top of the melted wax was on flames!!!! Is this an indication that there might me alcohol in this oil????? Thank goodness I never sold any of these before testing.

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I don't know what could have caused the wax to flame but I do know that 5 hours is to long of a burn for that size container. The proper burn rate should be a full melt pool in hours for the diameter of the container. So if it's a 2 1/2" container with the right size wick you should get a complete melt pool in that time and not burn for more then those hours because the candle gets to hot.

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Cheryl, I've done 8 to 12 hr power burns with the flower pots since I'm sure that's how a customer will burn them and not had that happen with a J223 / Ecosoya blend. Could it be the FO? What % did you use?

PS Glad you are OK. This is a good reminder to newbie about the necessity of testing.

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i had that happen once with pure soy dyed black it was one of two things

because of all the dye to get it black or i did fill the container to full.

If I added dye, I would have pinpointed that as a possible cause, but no dye was incorporated. I have over 140 oils I work with and this is the first time this has ever happened. First thing tomorrow I will notify the supplier so they can check into this a little further before selling anymore.

I used less than .20 of an oz. to 3.5 oz. wax and maybe I didn't stir it enough and some of the oil rose to the top when it cured. I really have no concrete explanation for what happened, but it sure opened my eyes and scared the crap out of me.

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Cheryl, I've done 8 to 12 hr power burns with the flower pots since I'm sure that's how a customer will burn them and not had that happen with a J223 / Ecosoya blend. Could it be the FO? What % did you use?

PS Glad you are OK. This is a good reminder to newbie about the necessity of testing.

Hi Sharyl,

I've also performed the power burn with the flower pots and like you, never had a problem. My guess is that it's the oil...bad batch!!

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Hi Sharyl,

I've also performed the power burn with the flower pots and like you, never had a problem. My guess is that it's the oil...bad batch!!

Ditto I do flower pot votives too, and I power burn mine like crazy. I mean cmon what customer actually burns a votive for an hour:tongue2: ? I have never had this happen. But it does sound like the FO did not mix, and may have seeped up top and caught on fire. ;)

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Wow that is really scary. I am glad that you are OK.

I have a question, though. I do not sell my candles, just give them to friends and family. But assuming you did everything right, and this happened to a customer, then what? Are you protected as long as you put a warning label on it? What if it is a totally random thing, do we need to be putting "warning-candle may spontaneously combust" on the labels? Just kidding, but seriously I would hate for that to happen to one of my friends and their whole kitchen catches on fire. Any thoughts?? Just curious.

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I had that happen with a cinnamon blend FO once..........it was just too much oil for the application!! That is more than likely what your problem was also......not a bad oil, just too much and it pooled at the top.

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I had that happen when I first started making candles several years ago. It was a cherry oil (very strong oil with an alcohol-type smell oob). If I were using it now, I would know to take it easy; but I was new then, and probably added more oil than would blend into the wax. I wasn't using soy, though.

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