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Alright...somethings growing on the soap I just made..


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So do you think its the FO?? Or did I do something wrong?

This is my first time using this FO...

what makes the ash "grow" I mean it looks like mold growing befor emy eyes.. LOL

Glad to know its not a loss


I tend to think that the FO does it. Some people think that it is caused by temperature and some people think that the mixture of oils can do it.

I make soaps in individual molds so I leave it when I get it. I think that it gives it a rustic look and I have never had a customer pick up a bar and ask what it was.

You did nothing wrong.

I would not say that the ash "grows" but "forms". Growing reminds me of a mold.... yuck!

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I've only ever had it happen a couple times & it occured only when I forgot (ok, got lazy) to put on saran wrap, or took it off too quickly (impatience, me??!) BTW, it did happen to an unscented batch, so I'm not sure if FO would be a culprit or not.

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Embrace the ash, Luke! Use the power of the ash! :laugh2:

OK, just dinking around here again. But I let ash "decorate" the tops of my soaps. I quit the Saran wrap thing (which does work, BTW) because it just wasn't my thing, and I like the look ash gives to my soap tops since I usually texture the tops anyway. However, I wouldn't be surprised to find myself in the minority with other soapers. LOL

Lemme tell ya, when I make my cinnamon buns soap, the ash is PERFECT. Makes it look like cinnamon roll glaze. LOL

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I moved last summer and when doing so, lost my filtered water, which I had been using for years to soap with. The first few batches I made at my new house had ash terribly, esspecially the batches made with FO's, the EO's weren't too bad. The others were horrid.

After realizing that regular tap water just might be the problem I started using distilled water for soaping and no more ash since then. I honestly didn't even think about NOT using tap water when I soaped my first few batches at the new house because I'd been using tap water (but it was filtered at the other house) for years without any problems.

A little ash though, I'd let it slide.

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I guess I am kinda in the middle on this one. Depending on what soap I am making determins whether or not I leave the ash on the soap. Mind you, I don't get ash all that often, but when I do ........ it adds character to some of the soaps. :D

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Embrace the ash, Luke! Use the power of the ash! :laugh2:

OK, just dinking around here again. But I let ash "decorate" the tops of my soaps. I quit the Saran wrap thing (which does work, BTW) because it just wasn't my thing, and I like the look ash gives to my soap tops since I usually texture the tops anyway. However, I wouldn't be surprised to find myself in the minority with other soapers. LOL

Lemme tell ya, when I make my cinnamon buns soap, the ash is PERFECT. Makes it look like cinnamon roll glaze. LOL

I also think ash looks cool on soap. Like icing.

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